3 days post-op

Katie B.
on 6/21/13 12:45 pm

Okay, so I'm 3 days post-op and am having gas pains. Anyone else has this same issue this early in the process? If so, what did you do to get some relief?

on 6/21/13 12:46 pm
RNY on 05/20/13

I had that as well.  I walked a lot and used a heating pad. Good luck!! It will get easier!!

on 6/21/13 12:54 pm - TX

I had bad gas pains too. I just used Gas-X and walked whenever I felt them coming.

Kahla L.
on 6/21/13 1:18 pm
RNY on 06/19/13

Had surgery Wednesday and in the same boat.  Gas X and walking has helped! Good luck!

on 6/21/13 2:05 pm - TX
Gasx didnt work for me. I walked like crazy. My MIL stayed to help while my DH worked and I scared her a few times walking up and down the hall in the middle of the night lol. I know my neighbors thought it was funny me walking 2 houses down and back in my pj's and all. It was the only thing that gave me some relief. It does get better!!! Promise!

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Phillipians 4:13 laugh



CW 190!!! GW Anything under 200 was the icing on the cake...going for 170...lil more icing never hurt anybody!


on 6/22/13 1:40 am

3 days post op too! Yes the gas pains are quite a bother. I have been passing it mostly when i go tinkle:) I've been drinking losts of water so lots of tinkling going on. I also started my period of all things. I'm feeling pretty good. I decided to stop taking the loritab and take crushed tylenol instead. It doesn't make me sleepy and i can walk more. loritab knocks me out.  Happy to see your doing well. I came home yesterday and I'm so glad i get much better rest here. drink lots of water and don't forget your shakes too. I've managed to get  1/2 in today so far. I think the narcotics help make the gas!!

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