3 days post-op and so tired

Katie B.
on 6/22/13 7:34 am
Well aside from the painful gas issues I'm having I am also extremely tired. I've been sleeping most of the day! I get up every now and then to walk around the house but then am extremely tired and go back to bed. When will my energy come back?
Kahla L.
on 6/22/13 8:24 am
RNY on 06/19/13

I had surgery on Wednesday and actually went to the grocery store today (but was awfully tired after).  Have you tried GasX to help with the gas pains?  Made a world of difference for me.  Wish I had more advice, but I'm still new at it too!  Good luck!

HW/SW/CW: 312/295/212 (RNY 6/19/13)

on 6/22/13 9:49 am - Culpeper, VA
RNY on 06/04/13 with
I asked a similar question about the same time (3 days out). Day 4 was tw worst for me but it got better everyday by the end of 1 week I only needed 1 nap a day. At 2 weeks all pain was gone. I'm 2 and 1/2 now and most days I do fine with just a good 20-40 minute rest during the day.

HW - 297  start of Pre-op - 290.2   SW- 279.2   GW - 145    

    The Depressed Hiker Blog

A middle aged over the hump and over what "I'm suppose to do" woman, with the wild spirit and a nasty case of depression and anxiety!

on 6/22/13 10:17 am

I saw improvement every day but I felt over-tired for about the first 4-6 weeks. Now, at 9 weeks, I have more energy than before!



on 6/22/13 10:31 am - GA
RNY on 05/20/13

My first two weeks post op; I took naps most afternoons and didn't do much.  I took 3 full weeks away from work and returned this past Monday.

I'm still not 100% energy level; but when I think back to how I felt pre-surgery, I can honestly say I hadn't realized just how sick I was.  I feel so much better, even with the fatigue.  I have a friend who is exactly 32 days ahead of me.  She said that, for her, the energy level just increased daily. 

Sleep when you feel the need; rest as much as you can.  Your body needs it and you'll be glad if you do later. 

Take care!  Welcome to the Loser's Bench

on 6/22/13 12:52 pm - Albany, NY
RNY on 12/17/12

You just had major surgery. Your body will feel tired. I found that a heating pad helps with the gas pains. Make sure you do your frequent sipping to keep from getting dehydrated. I also drank powerade zero as it has electrolytes. It helped me from feeling too tired. When I first got home it was sip, sip, sipping on water, powerade zero and I had also pedilyte popsicles. Also walked daily to help. Your energy will return. Give your body a little time there. Major surgery of any kind will make your body feel tired as it just went through the trauma of surgery. 






on 6/22/13 3:03 pm - TX
I was told between 4-6 weeks. I feel great! I am still a little more tired than normal but its so much better!! It will pass my friend!

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Phillipians 4:13 laugh



CW 190!!! GW Anything under 200 was the icing on the cake...going for 170...lil more icing never hurt anybody!


on 6/23/13 4:00 am
RNY on 05/13/13

My 4th and 5th days were the most wearing. Otherwise, I had my full energy from that point on. Hopefully in the next few days you'll feel like your old self! I now have FAR more energy, not carrying around 60 extra lbs sure helps it be easier to get through the day!



HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




Sherrie P.
on 6/23/13 11:39 am
RNY on 02/06/13

Week 5.  I was exhausted until 5 weeks.

I took 2 weeks off work - should have taken 3.

It gets better and better.  Hang in there.

Revision Lapband to RNY 2-6-2013   HW: 286  Pre-Op Diet: 277  Surgery Day: 265  Goal: 155  CW: 155

Plastic surgery 8/28/2014: Brachioplasty, mastopexy, & abdominoplasty.

Plastic surgery 1/27/2015: Butt Lift


Katie B.
on 6/23/13 11:41 am
How long did your soreness last? Heck, I can deal with being tired... it's being tired AND sore that's kicking my butt!
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