Lapband to RNY revision, questions... :)

on 6/28/13 1:25 pm

Anyone have Lap-band and then revise to RNY?

How did the process go for you and are you happy with the revision?

I had lapband 2008, lost 86 lbs right off the bat and then nothing. I maintained a 75 lb weight loss for 5 years.  I still have over 100 lbs I want to lose.  5'2, Starting weight 354, current weight fluctuates between 270 and 280. I still eat like a bandster (sans the protein shakes, can't stomach them), High protein, very low carb (Atkins/whole foods), small portions.   I have GERD and PCOS, which I'm sure doesn't help.  Also have lots of food allergies, most have started post banding (dairy, gluten as examples)

I have PCP approval, and scheduled Informational/consultation with the surgeon in August. Insurance approval pending. And have started scheduling the required tests blood work, EKG, Barium test, lung function etc.  Also had a sleep study done in December, no apnea (thankfully), but I have ADD sleep patterns (which the Sleep Specialist prescribed me Ritalin - I never filled(already taking an anti-anxiety/anti-depressant for ADD),

This has been a lifelong battle of weight loss, starting with SlimFast when I was a kid, Atkins (multiple times), weigh****chers, calorie counting, simple diet and exercise. You name it, I've tried it. 

Also, I stay pretty active.  I have a rambunctious puppy that needs his energy let out daily, so we go on walks. I tone, play whatever sports I want to play, dance, workout in the gym in my apts. And I am anal about keeping a clean house, so I'm constantly moving around doing the cleaning.

I just want something to work, I want this weight off because I love being active and it would be much easier if I were lighter.  I also want to have kids, soonish (I'm 28).

Well that was more than I planned on typing... Anyways, any info or thoughts on Band to RNY would be appreciated!

Thanks all!

on 6/29/13 1:33 am - Grand Prairie, TX

Hey there! After reading your post, I'm really optimistic about your upcoming surgery. Although I have seen people have great success with Lap-band, it is historically not that effective on people with such a great deal of weight to lose. It looks like you're eating well already, and you just need that metabolic boost that will come from RNY. You may lose a bit slower than a WLS "virgin", but, as long as you continue your good habits, which I'm sure you will since they're already habit, I predict great success for you! Keep us posted!

Keeping track of my progress without a scale...Starting size: 28-Current size: 6-Goal size: 14

sand's not a's a frame of mind...

on 6/29/13 8:44 am

Thanks! Thinking back I should have initially gone with RNY, I didn't because I believed the stories about the complications, coming from my surgeon and all.  It's incredible to see the difference in complications between the two.

Craig C.
on 6/29/13 2:15 am - Fort Worth, TX

I revised from lapband to RNY in 2011 due to a botched fill in which I was given a staph infection that required me to have the band removed. It has been two years since my revision and I thank God every day that I had it done. I am the healthiest I have ever been and am maintaining a great weight and using my "tool" my pouch every day to keep me in check. I hated the port when I had the band. This feels so amazingly better with no foreign stuff in my gut. There's a reason why RNY is the bariatric gold standard. You will be amazed how quickly you lose weight. But like the first person said it is a little slower than someone who had never had bariatric surgery. Best of luck to you!!

on 6/29/13 8:41 am

Scary! Glad to hear you are doing well, now!

the area around the port and directly above is still tender to this day and I can't sleep on that side. I'm a stomach sleeper so it's obnoxious. I used to feel the tubing moving around from the port to the band when I'd work out, that's a weird feeling, too.


on 6/29/13 7:13 am

i had lap band and revised to RNY October 2010 after severe GERD and vomiting all the time from acid reflux.


Read my profile. it will be very helpful and pm me if you have any questions.  I was very active with the lap band and with the bypass. i work out 4 days/week. Run.  I lost from 272 to 218 with the band and from 218 to 150 lowest. i have gained some now but its my fault.  eating carbs and sugars.


i did lose slow but pretty steady.  follow the rules your surgeon gives and try to lose as much as possible in the first 6 months.  after that mine dramatcally slowed. i did lose but even slower than before.




on 6/29/13 8:38 am

Awesome, thanks!

Weirdest thing - the band has pretty much resolved my issued with GERD up until I made the decision to have the revision... now I wake up with a well known chest pain that I get from acid issues.  I'm not eating anything different to cause it, so it's really weird. Maybe it's a sign.


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/29/13 11:39 am - OH

Just a note: If you revise to a RNY, you are probably going to be forced to find a protein shake you can stomach because you will need more protein because of the bypass and almost no one can get enough protein from foods for at least a month, usually more.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/29/13 7:22 pm

I'm  Willing to  Give  Protein shakes  Another good try. There has to be one out there that tastes okay.

on 6/30/13 3:59 am - sioux falls, SD
RNY on 04/04/13

I am a band to RNY revision. The process was way easier than i was anticipating. I received approval through my insurance within 2 weeks. They didn't require another 6 month diet etc. to get the revision. The whole process was about 2-3 months from seengi the surgeon to getting surgery. If you have any other questions i can help with holler at me:) Good luck!


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