horrible left-side pain!

Katie B.
on 7/8/13 10:04 pm
I have been having horrible left side and back pain for over 24 hours now. At times it takes my breath away! I know that left-side pain is pretty normal, especially 3 weeks out, but is it supposed to be this bad?!!?
on 7/8/13 10:06 pm - OH

If you are in horrible pain, you need to call your surgeon or go to the ER.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 7/8/13 10:24 pm

I had bad pain on my left side and had a hernia.....then I again had bad pain on my left side and it was scar tissue and nerves being caught in the stitches from my hernia.  You need to see the doctor - it could be normal pain - it could be something else.  Not trying to scare you, just don't want you to ignore it.  Best of luck.



on 7/9/13 3:21 am - Sycamore, OH
RNY on 02/18/13

I agree call your DR.

I had bad left side pain and found out it was in my intestines, I was backed up(constipated) the DR told me to use miralax and stool softeners. i still have pain if it been more then 2 days with out a BM

on 7/9/13 9:12 am, edited 7/9/13 9:12 am - New York, NY
RNY on 06/11/13

It was for me until about 2.5 weeks (I went back to the ER twice because of it, nothing was wrong). That said, better safe than sorry and there's no harm in at least calling your surgeon to see what they want you to do. If you can't get ahold of them, I'd err on the side of caution and just head to the ER. But my pain was similar to how you described it, took my breath away, hurt to even talk and I couldn't walk, go to the bathroom, etc. without it feeling excruciating...They do the majority of their work on the left side, it's where the biggest incision(s) are as well (lots of bruising, pushing things around).

  HW: 306         Day of Surgery: 299         Current Weight: 172



on 7/9/13 10:05 am

I have had the same I think we had surgery the same day. Last night i got up to go to bathroom and it hit me like a knife almost fainted. NO joke i saw stars! I got clammy and sweaty and felt like i was gone. I was worried because i had not had a bm in 3 days. Thank goodness I felt better and in the morning I decided to do my walking early and it helped allot. It helps to wear snug fitting garments and maybe leggings. I finally had a bm today after my second 30 min walk. I have never been so glad to poop!! ( sorry tmi)  Ive started to eat prunes each day for a snack. I agree though if you feel really bad go to the ER. My husband is a critical care  nurse so i was comfortable with his advice. Today has been a pretty good day i got laundry done and even cooked a meal for the kids. I also called the nurse who called me back on Monday . She said its normal but if it got worse to call her. She also said no vacuuming or lifting till i see the doc in 2 weeks. Call your nurse or doc and make sure. It is miserable and frustrating not to be able to do as much as we usually do. Hang in there. Thank goodness it doesn't travel around my back anymore.

on 7/9/13 10:43 am

My surgeon warned me I'd have quite a bit of pain where the largest incision is, but I had nothing that even came close to taking my breath away! Agree with the others, call your surgeon. 

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