Very ill and cold feet with surgery around the corner

on 8/19/13 12:59 pm - Stockton, CA

I have bad cold feet. Can anyone reassure me that they have success and are happy after their surgery? I posted to a different website forum about my surgery date and was met with a lot of negative views on it pretty much telling me I am mutilsting my stomach. I am also getting my gallbladder removed anyone have that done? I have been on a high protein liquid diet for the past few days and am having major "attacks" and feeling extremely ill like I need to go to the hospital. My primary told me that the protein shakes are aggravating my gallbladder and to cut back on the shakes (supposed to have 4 a day). I called my surgeons office and they told me I have to stay on it. I think all this sickness and pain is also making me dread surgery. Sorry for long post but I am sick and tired and scared. 

on 8/19/13 12:59 pm - Stockton, CA


Member Services
on 8/19/13 1:41 pm - Irvine, CA

Sorry to hear you are feeling so anxious.  I hope it makes you feel better to hear that it is completely normal to feel the way you are.

Here is a link to many threads that address this toppic, read what other members had to say.,search_oh/?q=cold+f eet+before+surgery&cx=000946886326336472648%3Ae-vpeg4uyxw&co f=FORID%3A9

Also, here is another link to threads discussing having the gallbladder removed during wls:,search_oh/?q=galbla dder+removed+during+wls&cx=000946886326336472648%3Ae-vpeg4uy xw&cof=FORID%3A9

I hope this information helps you.  Relax, breath deep and think about all the reasons that brought you to this place.

Best Wishes!

on 8/19/13 1:56 pm - Stockton, CA

Thank you!

on 8/19/13 2:52 pm - WA
RNY on 08/29/12

I think many of us had some sort of anxiety going into the surgery-i was so anxious before hand about the surgery itself, but as the day approached, i became actually very calm, i knew that i was doing the right thing.   I hope you find that same calmness.   I am really happy that i had the surgery - i have had relatively no major complications.   After surgery i felt exhausted for a few months-and probably could have tried to up my protein, drink more water or take more iron, but honestly, so many folks say that is common so maybe none of those things would have worked.  The only real issue i did have was that i did have some thinning hair-thank goodness i had a full thick mane on my head to begin with.   I know sometimes people get other things done such as gallbladder removal during this type of surgery-i just didnt go through that personally.   Maybe trying a different protein shake and see if that changes anything.   I am sorry that it is making you sick.   But you can make it through this, day by day until your surgery.   Don't be scared - everything will be okay.    I am almost 1 year out and have lost 140 pounds.   I am so glad I made this decision and no regrets , except one-i wish i would have done it sooner.   

on 8/19/13 3:40 pm - Stockton, CA

Thanks so much for your kind words and encouragement! I hope to be as successful as you :) I have tried 2 different types of protein powder and it all makes me sick. I guess I just got to push through it :\ I was also so scared I was alone and something wrong with me for being so nervous but I'm not which makes me feel relieved. 

on 8/19/13 8:13 pm
RNY on 09/04/13

So sorry you are having this anxiety, my date is 9/4 and i am anxious too, but i know its the best thing for my health.

You are not alone here. This is a supportive and knowledgeable group, you did the best thing by coming on here and posting your issues.

Being sick and scared is not fun. What is it about the protein shake that is giving you attacks? did the dr say? is it the milk? maybe get a fruity flavored one that you can mix with water.

Maybe its time to go to the ER? i am not a medical professional of any kind, i just know if i were having repeated attacks, i think i would go.

Let us know how you are doing.  Jan

on 8/20/13 1:48 am - Stockton, CA

I've been mixing the shakes with water or soy milk I stay away from dairy because it makes me have attacks. 

on 8/19/13 9:03 pm - Culpeper, VA
RNY on 06/04/13 with

I had very bad cold feet. I almost called the whole thing off. I remember just balling and shaking and telling my husband I wasnt ready to die.  He was the one who calmed me and said he wasnt ready fro me to die either which is why I needed to have the surgery.  IT WENT FLAWLESSLY!  I have had no real complications.  I had about a week of waking up and just crying after surgery thinking "what have I done to myself" but again my husband, family, and this board were key.  They all knew that would happen.  Its not uncommon to have cold feet before and regrets a bit after even though we spent months and even years working toward and excited for it.  The change in diet doesnt help.  If you are losing fat from the diet change and right after surgery women are susceptible to hormone shifts since we make and store hormones in our fat.  (That's how my PA explained it)  Hang in there honey.  We are here.  Feel free to post any fear and we will either talk  you off the ledge or point you in the right direction. The vets are really good at letting you know whats normal and when you should seek help!

HW - 297  start of Pre-op - 290.2   SW- 279.2   GW - 145    

    The Depressed Hiker Blog

A middle aged over the hump and over what "I'm suppose to do" woman, with the wild spirit and a nasty case of depression and anxiety!

on 8/20/13 1:50 am - Stockton, CA

Thank you so much :)

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