Gas or lactose intolerant?

on 8/31/13 6:31 am
First protein shake (4oz) made with skim milk last night. No issues while drinking it over 1 hr. last spat hour mark had me running to the bathroom. Diarrhea, gas pains etc.

Today I had a combined 4 tbsp yogurt and pudding..just gurgling, gassy, no diarrhea.

I read over all my paperwork and it seems like diarrhea is a common thing this first few weeks out, as my body is adjusting. Just wondering how long it took you all to determine if it will be just gas, or true intolerance?

Thank you
on 8/31/13 6:53 am
Some experience diarrhea and others constipation. It's possible you will have problems with lactose, I wouldn't let one try determine that though.

You're insides have been rearranged it'll take some time to heal and adjust.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 8/31/13 6:59 am
That's what I figured. I am going to continue to try dairy products. I have a journal where I can document everything, and also take notes!
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