Down 31 lbs in 3 days!! Has anyone else had this happen during the pre-op fast?

on 9/15/13 1:37 am
RNY on 09/23/13

I am on Day 3 of my pre-op fast. I saw my Dr. on Wednesday and I weighed 294 in the office. I weighed myself the 1st morning of the fast on my home scale and I was 294. This morning I was 263 even (on the home scale)!!! This is what the pre-op diet  consists of: 3-4 protein shakes and unlimited SF clear liquids. I have been walking in the morning with the kids (it seems to help control the hungry pains).  I got on the scale 3 times and even weighed my kids and their weights matched exactly what it was at their appointments from this week. I still have 7 days of the fast left I wonder if I will lose anything the first month after surgery. My 1st goal on OBH was to lose at least 15 pounds during pre-op fast..MISSION COMPLETED!!

on 9/15/13 2:01 am - Watervliet, NY
RNY on 09/11/13

Congrats !!! your on the right path. Good luck with your surgery.angel

on 9/15/13 2:07 am
RNY on 09/23/13

Thanks! I am so excited and feel so blessed that my job covers it at 100%..only the initial OV copay to surgeon!

on 9/15/13 2:03 am

My doctor didn't recommend a pre-op diet. I've seen many people mention it and it makes me wonder why my MD didn't require one. I did have to quit drinking carbonated drinks and I did that, but I wasn't weighing myself.

on 9/15/13 2:16 am
RNY on 09/23/13

It's for 2 reasons the first is to help shrink the liver size and reduce surrounding fat so the stomach is more easily assesible. It helps to reduce the chance of "nicking" the liver which is something you don't want to happen. Every physician is different you can always ask the surgeon why he doesn't require it. Some don't and things go fine. My doctor says makes the surgery safer and reduces the time of the surgery. If you don't lose any weight prior to the surgery via the pre-op diet I hear he will not hesitate to cancel surgery! The second reason is to give you a little taste of how you will be eating immediately after surgery..of course in smaller amounts and spread throughout the day.

on 9/15/13 4:19 am - MN
RNY on 09/16/13

My doc didn't require or recommend one either. I have to stay on clear liquids today for surgery tomorrow...but nothing else. Seems crazy when other are on a 2 week or more diet!


To the OP, nicely done! Good luck on your surgery!!


on 9/15/13 4:36 am
RNY on 09/23/13

Thanks and congrats to you...the BIG day is tomorrow! That is so exciting I wish you have a safe and smooth recovery. Tomorrow is the first day of your new life! All the best and keep us posted.

on 9/15/13 4:46 am - MN
RNY on 09/16/13

Thanks hun! You keep us posted too! :)

Jacob H.
on 9/15/13 2:52 am - CA

Loosing 30 pounds is an awesome achievement and I hope you have continued success. I hope it's just my paranoia kicking in, but 10 pounds a day would have me very worried. I can be overly cautious sometimes, but that raises a lot of red flags in my mind. 


True victory comes at the very end, when you can say, " I lived, and will gladly do it again." View "failure" as a setback, and meet each accomplishment with a larger goal.

on 9/15/13 3:20 am
RNY on 09/23/13

Thanks. I hear you and being a nurse I am keeping great records of how many ounces of each liquid I am taking in. I feel fine (except being insanely hungry) but I know that doesn't always mean anything.  I have my pre-op blood work and testing on the 18th so please believe I will talking with my surgeon to make sure I am ok. Maybe I was holding on to alot of water I do take a diuretic to help with my blood pressure. I am getting in 72 oz of water in plus my other clear liquids. If I drop more than 10 lbs before I see the doctor I will be calling. I am thinking I will stop exercising too. (for now)


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