Am I expecting too much??

on 9/30/13 12:46 am - Canada

I agree with the other posters.  Trust me, you are doing extremely well.  As for some people not saying anything.... Some people are too polite to mention it.  Others may wonder if you are sick, so don't say anything.  Certain personalities will come right out and comment and/or ask.  I would not stew about it.  You know yourself that you are losing.  Your clothes must be getting loose.  Enjoy this stage.  Before you know it, you will be losing much slower and then have to deal with maintenance.  Not easy, I tell you.

  I'm 5 ft 7.5 inches tall... 
 "The best way to predict your future is to create it."                   
~ Unknown       

on 9/30/13 12:56 am - AL
RNY on 12/13/12 with

Even though I am 1 pound from a healthy BMI I still feel big sometimes. At work when I pass people in the halls by instinct I will still turn my body to create more room for them to pass. There is plenty of room, but I cannot seem to stop myself. I probably look really stupid doing it too. :-)



on 9/30/13 1:33 am
RNY on 08/20/13

Yes , you are being harsh on yourself. I was like that too the 1st 3 weeks after surgery. I knew that it would take a while but i just hoped that i would wake up and look in the mirror and see a dramatic wow but i realized i have to earn my wows if i wanted them sooner. We will get our wows from other people soon enough but measure your inches cause that alone has helped me cope with the numbers not catching up lol. We can be the worst critics of ourselves. U have lost so much weight already that alone is a big ass wow and im not trying to be nice but realistic. You have done and will continue to do well ..I promise :)

we will get there but it'll take time and faith.

on 9/30/13 2:13 am
RNY on 12/18/12

For a while NO ONE says anything, then all of a sudden - bam!  You hear something from every person you encounter.   There must be a certain weight that people start to notice.  No one noticed until I lost about 50 pounds.  Now, I have lost over 100 pounds and almost every person I run in to says something.  One thing that has been interesting - I can be very incognito now, so many people don't even recognize me!  Yesterday I went to the grocery store and wasn't wearing make up and didn't have time to chat, so when I saw people I haven't seen in a while that I knew - I could walk right past them without them even noticing me!  I don't think I look that different, but I can see on people's faces (when I have to reintroduce myself), that they kind of know me, but aren't sure because I look so different!


Lisa O.
on 9/30/13 3:18 am - Snoqualmie, WA

When I lost weight with my first surgery (Lap Band) I started getting frustrated and defeated because nobody seemed to notice.  But once I lost about 60 lbs people really started to notice (or just couldn't not notice any more).  It took that much weight to see the new me emerging even to myself.  The other thing to consider is that as a society we are so conditioned that talking about weight (or anything else personal) is such taboo that many don't know how to approach such a subject.  I also believe that most people don't pay as much attention to us as we think they do and therefore they don't see the gradual changes, only the most drastic changes.  People would often look at me and say, "Did you change your hair?" I'd say, "No, but I lost 60 lbs, it might be what your noticing as different!"  I also found that personal friends were a lot more likely to comment more than people in the work place.  Men especially are cautious because they don't want to offend but inferring that you were heavy before and now they notice that you are not.  It's dangerous territory with all of the HR concerns and political correctness we are faced with today. 

Keep taking pictures of your progress and most importantly check your measurements every 6 weeks or so.  That's were it's really obvious!  You can't deny the numbers on the tape!

Keep doing what you're doing. Before you know it, you'll be tired of everyone gushing over how much weight you've lost!


Lisa O.

Lap Band surgery Nov. 2008, SW 335. Lost 116 lbs.  LB removal May 2013 gained 53 lbs. Revisied to RNY October 14, 2013, new SW 275.



on 9/30/13 3:21 am

I'm being serious when I say . . . Try a new hair color - try a new haircut - wear fitted clothes - dress out of your usual style - do something that shouts "notice me dammmmmmmit!"

And smile!!!


P.S. You're amazing by the way mail

on 9/30/13 12:11 pm

Thank you everybody for the support. I guess I am being a little too hard on myself and I will try to enjoy more and worry less. This hole journey is a learning process and I guess I have to learn to be a little more patient!! But thank you all, your responses made me feel a lot better


on 10/1/13 5:32 am

I think that you are placing lots of emphasis on numbers and what other people think!!!  You did this for yourself so why does it matter what other people are not saying...You're doing great.  Don't let your skewed visions keep you away from true facts - YOU HAVE LOST 60 LBS IN 2.5 MONTHS....

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