Hair loss and eating lots of low sugar protien bars! Is this normal?

on 1/22/14 10:10 am - Princeton, TX

I'm addicted to the premium protein bars. Sometimes I'll choose those over a meal. Is that ok? It's low sugar! Also I've lost most of my hair :,(

on 1/22/14 11:27 am

Protein bars are not food. They are processed. One once in a while Will not hurt, but they cannot replace food entirely. 

HW: 274 SW: 241  CW: 149 --- 5'6 (Surgery date 11/26/2013)


on 1/23/14 2:52 am - Princeton, TX

Thank you so much for responding. I'll cut back on those and try and eat lol. 

on 1/22/14 11:39 am

I think real food is a better choice but you need to examine the nutritional content very well.  Not all are low carb or sugar free.

on 1/23/14 3:00 am - Princeton, TX

Thanks everyone!! Glad I found this forum/site. Big hugs

on 1/22/14 1:56 pm - Bay Area/Silicon Valley, CA
Revision on 12/18/13

Ok - YIKES!  Your body is telling you something and it's a big BIG thing! 

Do you mean Premier Protein bars?  The ones that taste like candy bars?  Is this the link?

If so, these have ****loads of calories!  280?!?  How many are you eating in one day?  And look at all those CARBS!  OMG!  Are you losing weight still?  When was your surgery?  Not knowing that, but if you're still in the losing phase these will cause problems.  We should be averaging 600-800 calories a DAY - which should be had from PROTEIN, VEGGIES/FRUIT, and a little bit of carbs IF there is room.  These things have 25 carbs!  Not worth the 30 grams of protein - you can get that from a protein shake with less calories and NO carbs.

It sounds to me, just my opinion, that you have focused your food addictions (that we all have) onto the protein bars.  These are not 'food'!  You are not getting all the minerals, vitamins, nutrition you need from those things.  As the other poster said, once in a while is fine - but choosing a bar over a meal - NO - it is NOT ok.  I don't know this but I am guessing the reason you've lost most of your hair (how horrible - I'm sorry!) is that your body is literally starving to death.  Stop NOW.  If you need recipes, find some (they're all over here), spend a day cooking good nutritious food and freezing it so you always have something to eat.  Even frozen veggies are better than NO veggies (not saying you aren't eating any, but it doesn't seem like you are - or maybe not enough).  Try to wean yourself off of them - you don't have to go cold-turkey!  Take how ever many you're eating in a day and cut it in half now.  Do that for one week.  Then cut in half again, etc.  These may be a trigger food for you - and you're caught up in that cycle again - it's part of our addictive personalities.  My opinion?  Two a week is just FINE.    Or decide two per week then cut them up into thirds so you can still have a little taste per day.  The rest of the time, feed your body what it needs!

Good luck!



Leslie - Band Revision to RNY - best thing ever!   HW: 234   SW: 222  CW: Ticker  GW: 130

on 1/23/14 2:57 am - Princeton, TX

I've lost 90lbs in 9 months. I'm 150 now. My goal weight is 130. I don't eat much really. Maybe half a cup of protein and a veggie. I'd rather have those bars lol. I only drink water. Nothing else! I eat 3 bars a day. I think I'll try and just do 1 a day. I don't get real hungry. I do think I'm getting hypoglycemia. I did have diabetes and hbp... Now it's just the opposite :/

Miss Liss
on 1/22/14 10:25 pm

I don't know anything about the nutritional values in the protein bars you mention, but I do know that even if you get a bar that is fortified with vitamins and minerals, you just can't beat the nutrients you get from good whole fresh food.  A protein bar is a bunch of chemicals.  At 10 years out, I will eat a protein bar in a pinch especially when traveling for work, but they are not the majority of where I get my protein and nutrients on a daily basis.  I would limit them myself.  My surgeon was all about eating real food as quick as you could and getting off the shakes and bars. 

on 1/23/14 12:09 am - Rochester, NY
RNY on 01/21/13

I'm a huge advocate of real, whole foods over refined products and supplements.  Your overall health will be better served by leaning away from things like protein bars; however, is it, "ok?"  Sure, you're probably not going to cause any illness.  It just depends on your goals - do better or do best?  There is no wrong answer.

on 1/23/14 3:27 am - Bay Area/Silicon Valley, CA
Revision on 12/18/13

I'm sorry but I respectfully disagree with you.  She has lost all her hair!  Sure, some people lost some hair, but she said "all"... that is your body saying "MayDay, MayDay", IMO.  Three per day??  Instead of three meals?  Of COURSE this is going to cause "illness" (translated - unhealthy)... she's consuming non-nutritional fake food!

Sorry OP, but I'd say to make those changes fast and not go back to them... this is you LIFE you're dealing with here.

My two cents worth.  Take it or leave it.



Leslie - Band Revision to RNY - best thing ever!   HW: 234   SW: 222  CW: Ticker  GW: 130

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