Final phys monitored visit today!

on 4/4/14 11:44 am
RNY on 06/03/14

It's official!  Today I had my last physician monitored weight loss visit.  I lost seven pounds this past month for a total of 20 pounds lost for the 3 months monitored visits.  I personally carried the paperwork over to my surgeon's office and turned it in this afternoon!  The office manager said she would get it submitted to the insurance this afternoon and they will let me know as soon as they hear something back.  I am scheduled for surgery on May 5th, however if approval comes back quickly and they have any earlier openings, she said it's possible I could have the surgery at an earlier date!  That would be soooo awesome 

So now the waiting begins.  How long did it take you to hear back from insurance?  Is it typically denied the first time around, or are approvals the norm if you have what was requested?   Just curious with lots of news questions on my mind tonight.

  48F   5'10"   HW: 375   SW: 350  CW: 298 as of 9/11/14


on 4/4/14 1:29 pm

At the time of my surgery I had BCBS and they approved it really fast.  In my case I waited forever for the surgeon's office to get my request letter together.  I would follow up with the insurance company to make sure they received the request...  amazing how things can get lost.  I wonder what they would do if I lost my insurance premium.  Anyway!  The wait is hard but so worth it and you have worked really hard so celebrate that!

on 4/4/14 10:46 pm

Now all you can do is wait. I believe I got a response within a week or so. I had BCBS. Good luck.

 “Let someone love you just the way you are – as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are. To believe that you must hide all the parts of you that are broken, out of fear that someone else is incapable of loving what is less than perfect, is to believe that sunlight is incapable of entering a broken window and illuminating a dark room.”― Marc Hack

Ht:5'4 SW:268 CW:127.2 GW:125 RNY 06/09 Stomach/colon revision 11/13  

Kimberly K.
on 4/5/14 3:01 am
RNY on 03/21/14

Ten days for me but it seemed like forever! Hang in there, before you know it you will have a date!

Kim K.    

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