Vain, I Know, but... HELP! :-)

on 7/12/14 12:27 pm

Thank you all for your input. Keep it coming!! :-)

on 7/13/14 12:26 am - Sunny Southern, CA

I was close to your stats... 35, just over 300. Went from Size 26/28 pants to 4, 30/32 blouses to M (small before boobs got put back LOL) I lost 158 pounds but you know everyone is different and it really is hard to compare... I was affected by obesity most of my life so my skin didn't really bounce back. I didn't think I would need or want reconstructive surgery but I both needed (some health issues from it) and wanted (emotionally necessary) it. 

Save your $$ now... if you are one of the lucky ones you have a nice nest egg or vacation $ saved if not you have a head start on getting it carved off ;)

Lost hair from month 4-6 started abruptly, ended abruptly... came back curlier, straightened out again after a few years, the curls were nice while they lasted. It's scary when you lose more than usually every day but we have a lot of hair and though I was aware of it... I doubt many realized... most are too busy commenting on your body changing to look at your head.

Best wishes to you!! Health is the important reason to have surgery but we all get the wanting to look as good as we feel :) the cherry on top! ~Shelly

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

Valerie G.
on 7/13/14 1:27 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

Plan on loose skin.  Your youth may put you to an advantage, but don't expect miracles.  

Hair loss at first has nothing to do with protein loss.  It has to do with Telogen Effluvium (google that), will occur a few months post op, last a few months, then go back to normal.  No vitamin, extra protein or expensive shampoo can treat it, so don't waste your money.  Instead, I highly recommend a makeover with some layers to blend in the new growth about to emerge.  Those with long straight hair tend to look like chia pets otherwise.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 7/13/14 2:17 am

Hi! I am in a similar boat to you! I am 27 and had RNY on Feb 25th. I started out at 305lb and am down to 215lb now (90lbs woo!) So far I don't have a lot of excess skin but I am expecting to have some. I have been losing my hair and recently got it chopped to help with the "mess". I have heard it grows back so I am not too worried. I work out and have a strength training routine that a trainer at the gym set up for me so I am hoping to tone up as I lose. 

So far, this is the best decision that I have ever made. I feel great, look great and am the happiest I have ever been. I would do it again 100 times :)


If you have any questions or want to talk ever, let me know :) ! 



(deactivated member)
on 7/13/14 2:36 am
RNY on 12/16/13

I lost a little hair around 3 months - at 7 months my hair is the thickest it has been in years, and curly too.  I've lost 175 pounds over the last 16 months, I have less excess skin than I expected.     I walk, a lot, which has helped with toning.  I am happy I had this life changing surgery.  Best wishes to you!

on 7/15/14 4:12 am

In my case, I lost about 50% of my hair, but boy did it grow back in great.  I have CURLY long hair now, while I just had wavy hair before.  Its pretty cool.  So, while you probably will lose hair, it might grow back better than it was!

RNY, 8/1/2011
HW: 348          SW: 306          CW:-fighting regain
    GW: 140

He who endures, conquers. ~Persius

on 7/20/14 3:04 pm

Thank you ladies. I'm loving hearing all your experiences. Keep them coming! :-)

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