It's Going Great!!!

on 12/28/14 8:01 am
RNY on 11/18/14

Definitely start the milk of magnesia right away to get regular. I had some postop complications that had me on hydrocodone and valium which are both very constipating. I went 8 days in between BMs and thought I was going to die. 


on 12/28/14 8:34 am
RNY on 12/22/14

Honey ... Hope you're doing well!! I'm going to try milk of mag tonight .. I had a little pain two nights so I took 2 tsps of hydrocodone.. So maybe that's the culprit lol ! Idk .. But milk of mag and I will be dancing tonight !! Lol!


Smile Life Looks Good on YOU!   Crystal    

Scarlette B.
on 12/28/14 8:55 am - TX
RNY on 03/20/14

Great!!! So happy for you!!  It will get easier!

LilySlim Weight loss tickers  


on 12/28/14 8:58 am
RNY on 12/22/14

Awww!!! Thanks Darling!! I'm excited about what the future holds!!! Hope all is well with you and THANKS for the encouragement!

Smile Life Looks Good on YOU!   Crystal    

on 12/28/14 10:53 am

One of my classes had mentioned to do a warm broth to get things moving down there.  Of course they mentioned MOM too.  Good luck!

Good job on getting more liquids in...that should help too!

on 12/29/14 12:34 pm

You can count jello and popsicles as liquids also

(deactivated member)
on 12/28/14 8:46 pm
RNY on 11/17/14

Milk of Mag and I were good friends for awhile until I figured out what works for me. Right now my "routine" is Actevia light greek in the morning (with a dose of Benefiber) and another benefiber dose sometime throughout the day. That has me going "regularly" every 2-3 days and I don't feel like I'm passing a boulder.

As for protein I still struggle. I'm always a few grams short of my goal by the end of the day, and I try to smuggle scoops of Unflavored powder into whatever I can. I know it'll come with time, but it still aggravates me.

Good luck and I'm glad your recovery is going so great!

on 12/29/14 12:32 am

During my first weeks, I got some Isopure -- the blue raspberry flavor is the best. By sipping that several times a day I added in both protein and liquid. I sipped 4 oz of water or Isopure every hour. That plus my shakes got me to my protein and liquid limits. Doing little bits at a time really helped.

Joan, Annapolis, MD

5'3"    SW: 248   Surgery date: 28 Aug 2014


on 12/31/14 11:25 pm, edited 12/31/14 11:27 pm - Seattle , WA
RNY on 08/05/14

I had tons of issues with having a BM so my doctor suggested apple juice (no sugar added) and that did the trick. 

To help with the fluids eat as many sugar free Popsicles and SF jello  as you can tolerate that counts as liquids. Won ton soup broth ( remove the won tons) was an absolute life saver! My Mom also got creative and found every broth imaginable to man ( I never knew that they even made half those broths). 

I am so glad to hear that everyone is doing so well! Stick to the plan and KEEP MOVING! I started out by walking to the corner and back the day that I got home (slow and steady). I was then walking around the block once a day. When my doctor cleared me. My sister and best friend started doing water aerobics with me (my first time). Let me tell you it aided in my healing so much!

I absolutely LOVE how positive you are all being! Success is yours. Welcome to the losers bench ladies!

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