Magnesium Deficiency

on 4/1/19 5:15 pm, edited 4/1/19 10:16 am
RNY on 02/14/18

I don't know how much you absorb but I've also found magnesium bath salts on amazon; might be something to look into! I tried the lavender ones and loved them.

edited to add "bath" salts.

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


on 4/2/19 4:54 pm - MN

Hey! That's a great idea. I forgot that I make my own bath bombs are they are fabulous. I've had previous co-workers asking me if I had a website because they like them so much. The ingredients that I use are natural with 100% essential oils. I remember the first time I used my own bath bombs. I thought, well if I am going to make these for others I need to try out my own product and loved it. So I think it would also help to do a good soak in the tub with extra Epsom salt.

on 3/31/19 1:04 pm
RNY on 10/17/17

You might want to have some blood tests run to see what your overall levels are on everything. Talk to your PCP.

Surgeon: Dr. David Carroll Surgery Date: 3/17/2017 Hospital: Merritt Health River Oaks Hospital

Height: 5'2" HW: 331 lbs SW: 279 lbs GW: 130 (originally, I changed to 140) CW: 130 to 135 ish

Biggest Goal: To Be Healthy in everything I do!!! To make healthy choices always!!! To just embrace HEALTH each and every day for the rest of my Life!!!

on 3/31/19 2:58 pm - MN

Thanks for your reply,

I just had my labs done in November and magnesium did not stand out as an issue. But, it still would not be a bad idea to get them done again because things can change. I know that having RNY surgery is what makes me very aware of staying healthy and stay on the look-out for any issues. Thanks for your suggestion.

Amy R.
on 3/31/19 7:38 pm

I'm going to try and copy the original tracking spreadsheet over here but I'm not confident it will work. If you can't see it or have questions you'll want to catch up with Sparklekitty (Julie). She created the whole thing and it's been a HUGE help to many of us. BFazzWqHBz9jDmvby9j_B_o/edit#gid=0

on 4/1/19 5:41 pm - MN

Thank you for this great resource. I will definitely check it out.

Amy R.
on 4/2/19 2:29 am

All thanks go to Sparklekitty! She put the whole awesome thing together. =)

H.A.L.A B.
on 3/31/19 7:43 pm

Unfortunately blood testing for magnesium and calcium is going to show us blood levels of those minerals, not the sctact tissue levels. Our body may take magnesium and calcium for bones or muscles to make sure it has enough in blood.

Msg oxide or citrate are the most popular but both of them can stimulate bowels, getting runs. Some of us take magnesium, a lot of it, to not only provide our body with magnesium, but also prevent constipation.

Different types of magnesium can include mag oxide, citrate, malate, taurine, glycine, the and magnesium carbonate. There are more but I am familiar with this ones.

I buy Electro-mix, by Alacer. It has magnesium and potassium. If I get cramps - I take 2 of the packets, disolve them in 8-10oz of warm water, add a few drops of stevia and drink it as fast as I can. That mix often stops any of my muscles cramps, including my colon spasms. I often follow with another glass of water.

Mag malate- is recommended for nerve pains, like in Fibromyalgia, magnesium taurine -some naturopathic docs recommend for people with weak heart.

I take combination of mag malate, citrate and oxide. If I taket too much of that type of magnesium, whstevwh my body doesn't absord ends up in my colon. I deal with chronic constipation, so I really don't mind if the magnesium is helping with that. I have to remember to drink at least 100 oz of liquids, even up to 120 oz per day.

Magnesium is needed for our bones. Without enough magnesium our bone can be full of calcium, but they structure may be brittle, without strong bone matrix.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 4/1/19 5:45 pm - MN

Thank you for your helpful reply. I went and bought the magnesium citrate and started taking that yesterday. I don't have a problem with constipation, thank goodness. I take apple cider vinegar in warm water every day and that takes care of any constipation issues. Besides, it's just plain good for you overall.

on 4/1/19 3:59 pm

are you sure it is related to magnesium and not something else? I have had pains on and off and I think it is related to osteoporosis. Anyway, for magnesium issues and leg cramps- first off when you are in pain, I get the leg cramps pills -from Hylands. They are fantastic. The other thing that will work in a pinch is mustard. Yep, the yellow stuff. Swallow a tablespoon. I have had it work and I started taking mustard packets from fast food places while mine was bad! Then if it is for sure a deficiency, I make and use 'mag oil'. it is very important that you used good quality flakes and distilled water. Just 2 ingredients. Anyway, after you make it you put it in a spray bottle and if I think I need some help sleeping or whatever I will spray (must always shake it) on my thighs. It can tingle. I get regular blood tests and I know this will raise your level. Google 'mag oil' for a recipe. You can buy the flakes on amazon too. I am 11 years out this week! Oh my the time goes quickly! Best of luck to you I know the cramps can be such a pain! But it hurt enough I did swallow the mustard (I was in too much pain to drive) and it did work. Take care!


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