6 month c pap check

on 3/9/10 10:27 am - INDIANAPOLIS, IN
had 6 month c pap check to day i am done to 12 for 18 it feels so great
HW 497 09/08 / SW 403 10/07/10/ CW 11/11 283
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on 3/10/10 12:53 am - Fredericksburg, VA
What is a 6 month Cpap check? I have had sleep tests after losing weight, but not on a specific cycle. Please enlighten me. Thanks.


on 3/14/10 4:27 pm - Upstate, NY
Congrats! I hated my CPAP machine soooo much! My level was set on 7 and I begged the company to turn it down for me but they wouldn't until I had the doc's permission. I could never sleep with it through the night.
on 3/24/10 2:49 am - Miamisburg, OH
Actually learned to love my CPap,  but was choking at 18, and am now turned down to 10 and hope to be off of it in another 6 months.  With it I sleep through the night and don't snore.  It helps my husband also.  but, I will still be glad to get rid off it.  I feel like "Darth Vader" at night.
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