Tips from a Veteran

on 5/9/11 8:09 pm, edited 5/9/11 10:39 pm - New York, NY

These tips were written by a senior member of my local Weight Loss Support Group. He's a Gastric Bypass more than eight years out. Thought I would post them. Please note I didn't write this and am posting as is...As I don't want to mis-quote him.  I thought there were alot of great points a couple of bad ones...Never the less, take or leave it for what it's worth.  

            80 plus things I have learned

        Written by : a bariatric patient 

Throughout the many years I've been involved in weight loss, I've met and worked with some interesting people and also wasted a whole lot of money and time on a variety of foods, products and techniques. Looking back over it all, I have to ask myself, " What are the most important lessons I have learned so far?" Well, they may not be rocket science or life-altering, but I think it's safe to say that the take-home messages includes some pretty damn good info that can benefit anyone involved in this field, regardless of their age or experiences.

        1. Nobody knows it all. Check out as many sources as you can when looking for information

        2. Failure is a tool. Used wisely, you can learn great things. Over-use it and you are just torturing yourself.

        3. You shouldn’t care less about how healthy your doctor says you are. If you are obese you are a train wreck waiting to happen.

        4. The weakest link is usually your pride and ego. Get control of them and you’ll find your mission and goals a lot easier.

        5. You are what you eat. Eat crap and, in most instances, you’ll look like crap.

        6. Learn how to differentiate between true hunger and lustful desire for food.

        7. Some controlled cheating on your diet can be a good thing.

        8. Staring at people is rude.

        9. Deep tissue massage will help you get rid of toxins.

        10. The quality of sleep is extremely important.

        11. An increase in effort will never make up for a lack in program-planning.

        12. Everyone’s a know-it-all on the Internet, and these types don’t usually practice what they preach.

        13. True friends are hard to come by—they're like a rare gem. If you find one, don’t let go. They can make or break what you hope to accomplish in life.

        14. Don’t ever become satisfied with your body because the day you become satisfied is the day you’ll start reverting back to what you don’t want to be. Always strive to be better.

        15. Expect negative criticism, but never let it get in the way of your achievement. It means you have their attention so you are really ahead.

        16. The physique you strive for involves a difficult journey; cherish the road you travel and it will make you a better person.

        17. Don’t let hunger dictate what you eat. The brain and advertising are tricksters.

        18. Small egos recover faster then large ones.

        19. Self Awareness makes the world a better place. It teaches you about self discipline and perseverance; to keep on going when the going gets tough.

        20. Not all fats are bad.

        21. Beware of those who push “the newest, most exceptional" products. The simplest products and gadgets are usually the best.

        22. Start a food log and maintain it because you’ll learn so much from keeping one.

        23. Don’t train in pain—listen to your body.

        24. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. In other words, if it works keep doing it until it doesn’t work anymore.

        25. You’re only as strong as your weakest link.

        26. Too often, people focus on how much they can have, NOT on how much they should have.

        27. There are no “one-size fits all" for anything in life.

        28. There’s no one best way. Every method has advantages and disadvantages.

        29. Don’t be close-minded. Critical thinking is a valuable tool in life which leads to unlimited progress.

        30. Re-Building your body takes an appreciable amount of time—as well as patience, dedication, self-discipline and a lot of hard work.

        31. A good program revolves around compound approaches.

        32. Size does not equal strength. Just because someone is big doesn’t mean they’re strong, and vice versa.

        33. Sadly, most nutritionists and doctors don’t have half a clue about what they’re doing in reference to long term sustainable weight loss.

        34. Cheating equates to injury, if not immediately, then down the road.

        35. Your needs must come first. If you don’t take care of yourself then how the hell are your going to take care of anyone else. Your body is priceless. It is the most valuable thing you will EVER own.

        36. Don’t compare yourself to someone else; compare you to you.

        37. If you think you know everything there is to know about dieting, maintenance, training, nutrition and/or supplementation, you’re sadly mistaken.

        38. The more you know, the less you know.

        39. Eating to failure places great stress on the body and its organs. The body can only handle so much stress and overload.

        40. To be the best you need to study hard, read lots and practice what you learn.

        41. Focus on the big picture, don’t sweat the small stuff.

        42. Use it or lose it.

        43. Always do the opposite of what a magazine says. If it says to do high volume workouts, cut your volume in half.

        44. Don’t be afraid to experiment; trial and error is part of the learning process.

        45. Consistency is the key to permanent weight loss, and gains in strength and muscle.

        46. There are no short-cuts to a great physique.

        47. Nothing beats wholesome food.

        48. You cannot shape a muscle; you can only make it bigger in appearance. If you’re lacking a great quad sweep, deal with it.

        49. Excuses, excuses, excuses, just do it!

        50. If you have a problem with your diet or training, identify the area and fix it. Address the issue—don’t do a side-step.

        51. Smaller goals need to be implemented and achieved in order for the larger goal to be accomplished.

        52. Nothing can make up for the lack of proper nutrition and exercise.

        53. Don’t get caught up with having a sensational day every time you wake up. Everyone has “off" days. Go take a walk or something.

        54. Weight loss solely for the purpose of bedding the opposite sex is lame. Do it for YOURSELF.

        55. The chances of you being the next Shakira or Arnold are the same as you winning the lottery. It won’t likely ever happen.

        56. Respect your elders—listen and learn—even if you don’t agree with them.

        57. Training hard in the gym will not make up for a poor nutritional intake.

        58. Train smart, and hard.

        59. Genetics play a role in life, however the majority that use this excuse aren’t even close to their genetic limit.

        60. If someone says," it’s the best," chances are they’re trying to sell you something.

        61. Keep up-to-date with scientific studies, but don’t follow them blindly.

        62. Always pursue good form and technique.

        63. Healthy foods are not evil or boring.

        64. White sugar, white flour, white rice, and white pasta should be outlawed.

        65. Looks or Symmetry doesn’t equate with knowledge. The best looking person doesn’t always know what they are talking about.

        66. Use a staggered diet approach. It works.

        67. Cardivascular exercise is not bad for the knees if you have healthy knee joints.

        68. Isolation exercises should play a supporting role in a program.

        69. Supplements are meant to be used in conjunction with a proper eating program, not as substitutes for good food.

        70. You cannot isolate a muscle or bodypart. You can place more emphasis on a particular area, but you cannot selectively isolate a muscle.

        71. Overtraining doesn’t occur after a couple of sessions. It takes time to build up.

        72. Opinions are like ******** everybody has one. But if you’re going to voice one, make sure you can back it up.

        73. Shut up and listen. Sometimes being quiet, when you don’t want to be, is the best thing.

        74. Every method has its place. It’s just a matter of knowing when and where to place it in a trainee’s program.

        75. You cannot “shock" a muscle.

        76. Always strive for perfection. You won’t reach it, but the attempt itself produces continual results

        77. Read every health/diet/training-related piece of information you can get your hands on.

        78. A good protein powder, multi-vitamin, thermogenic and creatine, are all you need to spend you money on.

        79. Treat the abdominal muscle like any other; work it hard.

        80. Be kind, courteous, helpful and respectful to everyone around you but mostly YOURSELF. You didn’t get unhealthy overnight and you are not going to be fully healed overnight either. BE PATIENT with YOURSELF. Its not about the destination, Its about the journey.

        81. Friends are your family of choice sometimes dearer than blood relations.

        82. No amount of jewelry, tattoos, piercings, hair color, fake nails, expensive cars, special clothes, etc .... etc ....  is going to hide fact that you are unhealthy and miserable in your body if you are.

        83. A shirtless man should never look like a pregnant orangutan EVER !!!

        84. If you own a mini-van stay the     FUCK      out of the left lane on the highway
              and let me go, go go....... .     Stay the hell in the right lane with the senior

              Get over yourself, you are not cool anymore, you own a 20th century frigging
              station wagon and you are married with children --- DEAL WITH IT !!!!

        I’m sure I’ve missed hundreds of points, but these are the lessons I’ve learned so far. Some may be boring old lines you’ve heard before and others are a bit off the wall. They are, nonetheless, unique to my adventure in a world full of addiction, obesity, disease, dumbbells, weight plates and barbells. As I advance in my awakening, my lifts and gain new muscle, I’ll continue to be schooled, and hopefully, I’ll be back sometime with more tidbits.

   Highest Weight: 380                      Consult Weight: 357             Surgery Weight: 309 
Goal Weight: 220 (9/29/10)      Revised Goal Range 215-220         Current Weight: 224
Plastics: Circumferential Lower Body Lift - 11/18/2011
              Gynecomastia - 6/14/2012

on 5/9/11 8:40 pm - Canada
 I was with you till your last two points it wont be much of a world if there arent children in it 
Just my point of view and by the way my mini van does 150 nicely
Kelby F.
on 5/9/11 9:52 pm - Minot, ND
 Love this Mikey!! Picked out some of my favorite ones to comment on. 

19.Self Awareness makes the world a better place. It teaches you about self discipline and perseverance; to keep on going when the going gets tough.

I love this line... it's true.. whether it's dealing with our weightloss journey or anything else in life... if we aren't aware the choices are making are not good ones we're bound to go down a dark dark road!
41. Focus on the big picture, don’t sweat the small stuff.

Exactly!!! This is tough one to learn, but just because you have a day or a few days of no weight loss you need to look at the over all picture of your journey! I live by this in life in general... with every day occurances!! No sense in getting your undies in a bunch over something soo small!     56. Respect your elders—listen and learn—even if you don’t agree with them.

I RESPECT..RESPECT.. RESPECT!!! On here and in the real world... even though it's hard to admit sometimes... they probably know what they're talking about!!        72. Opinions are like ******** everybody has one. But if you’re going to voice one, make sure you can back it up.

AMEN!!           80. Be kind, courteous, helpful and respectful to everyone around you but mostly YOURSELF. You didn’t get unhealthy overnight and you are not going to be fully healed overnight either. BE PATIENT with YOURSELF. Its not about the destination, Its about the journey.

This is a great line for newbies!!!     84. If you own a mini-van stay the     ****      out of the left lane on the highway                and let me go, go go....... .     Stay the hell in the right lane with the senior                citizens.                 Get over yourself, you are not cool anymore, you own a 20th century frigging                station wagon and you are married with children --- DEAL WITH IT !!!!

Mikey, I feel like you REALLY don't like mini-vans!! lol No worries... I wouldn't drive one.. and thankfully don't have to drive one!!

~Kelby~       HW: 356 SW: 330 CW:231 GW: 175 I'm 5'6"

"Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be."

on 5/9/11 10:07 pm, edited 5/9/11 10:08 pm - New York, NY

I didn't write this. As I mentioned it came from someone in my local support group. I didn't think it was right to edit it and decided to leave as is.

BTW...I do own a Mini Van and have two kids.

   Highest Weight: 380                      Consult Weight: 357             Surgery Weight: 309 
Goal Weight: 220 (9/29/10)      Revised Goal Range 215-220         Current Weight: 224
Plastics: Circumferential Lower Body Lift - 11/18/2011
              Gynecomastia - 6/14/2012

on 5/9/11 10:32 pm - MD
You could have left this part out, but since you didn't...,
Wifey and I ARE seniors AND we own a minivan (a luxury model, full leather, heated seats, great quad-stereo sound,  the full deal).  AND our cruise control works just fine at 80+ on the highways (but not w/the grand-kids in the van w/us.).  Get a grip dude, many of us "seniors" will run yer young butts off the right lane, center lane, or any other lane - stay otta my way in your too little, too loud toys.  (Except the mini-Cooper, I love the mini-Cooper).
Oh, the list is pretty good and I especially identify with items



As to "seniors" being slow, er, uh, gee - don't know if I can agree w/ that idea when it comes to weight loss either - I'm 65, I'm less than six mos. post-op and I've lost 127 lbs.   Gosh, just think how much I would have lost if I wasn't such an old, slow, senior....
on 5/9/11 10:41 pm - Mansfield, TX
Those are excellent tips!  Thank you for sharing them.  Some of them really hit home with me.  I think I'm going to print this and post it in the house so I can review them regularly.  I got tickled with "Staring is rude" and the last one about the minivan.  I drive an Expedition which is really just a blown up one, but Lawd Have Mercy...sometimes I wish those pip-squeaks would just get out of my way...LOL!  Thanks again!


Goal Reached in 12.5 Months
HW: 274   Pre-OpW: 266   SW: 254   CW: 125  GW: 145

You must permanently change your lifestyle if you want your weight loss to be permanent. You can do it!

on 5/10/11 12:59 am - Minneapolis, MN
Thanks for sharing! There are some gems in here.
Highest Weight (2008): 360  Surgery Consult Weight: 340  Day of Surgery: 318
Height: 5'10"
on 5/10/11 10:51 pm
HA......# 26, that's my major problem! Thanks for passinon these pearls!
on 5/11/11 2:03 am - MN
Great post. I loved the mini-van bit. Funny. 

5'5"  Age 63  HW 212  SW 200 Currently 8 pounds below goal

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