My First Thanksgiving

on 11/24/11 10:08 am
Well this holiday started out with me working a few hours, followed by coming home to my sweet family. My son, his wife and my precious grandson came from L.A., my younger daughter and her husband came from Southern Utah, and my older daughter and her husband came from Northern Utah.
 We went on a long family walk, and then came the food...... We ordered our complete Turkey dinner from Mimi's Cafe. (first year I havent cooked)
I ate one tablespoon of mashed potatoes, stuffing, and a small slice of dark meat turkey. A little later I had a taste of banana cream pie.
I hope I don't gain. But I shouldn't.. It was good and enough.
All in all a great day!
Happy Camper
on 11/24/11 10:32 am
 What a great day!  So glad you had such a perfect day.  :). We went to families for dinner and are now sitting around the fireplace relaxing.  Good night indeed!

 I ate about the same as you and am very happy that I'm satisfied.
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