I think I need more variety in my diet

on 2/29/12 4:53 am
 I've been working very hard to hit my protein, carb and calorie goals but when I read the "What you eating today" posts, I think that maybe I need more variety.

So what do you guys think?

Here is what I eat most days-

B: 1.5 scoop protein shake + milk w/protein (47g protein)
L:  Greek yogurt or Baby Bel Cheese
S: 12 cocoa dusted almonds
D: maybe 4oz meat, couple bites of a veggie
S: if I need the protein- cheese or milk or something like that.

(75g protein,
VSG on 6/22/11
(deactivated member)
on 2/29/12 5:38 am - Newnan, GA
VSG on 05/04/09 with

Are you satisfied with those foodies girlie? 

For me, I grocery shop every 2 weeks, so mostly all my food stays the same, but I rotate a new thing in every 2 weeks.

I mostly ate meat, salsa, and cheese for my feedings :}  I like everything I ate though, and with me, if I have too much variety? I spend too much time thinking of my next feeding.  *silly me*

Are you still hungries after those foods or you are okay in the hungry arena?

Anne D.
on 2/29/12 5:45 am
I think it's whatever satisfies you. For me I tend to eat something over and over and then switch. I might eat shrimp for three days twice a day, then do chicken. I have the same breakfast every day, protein shake and coffee. I don't want something different. Mostly simple is what works for me, and I'm happy with it. So if it's working and you are happy then go with it.
on 2/29/12 5:53 am
 For the most part, I'm fine with those things. I guess it's the old weigh****chers and dieting mentality that makes me think I need more greens and colors.

I do tend to eat the same things for a couple days as well- mostly cause I eat such small portions it lasts longer. I can't really say I've ever been hungry, at least not real hunger. Yeah I crave those carbs and have to FIGHT it almost every day but as far as hungry, not so much.

I also don't really care much about food anymore. It's sort of sad but it's working for now.

thanks so much ladies, I appreciate it!

I just need to stop comparing my foods to others, I guess!

Thanks again!

VSG on 6/22/11
(deactivated member)
on 2/29/12 6:02 am - Newnan, GA
VSG on 05/04/09 with
You could make my buffallo chicken salad that has some diced up celery and blue cheese!  those are colors!  :}  With Franks! Another color!! 

Yea, I do not need to be peeking a lot of food porn either written or pictures.  It pegs my "wanter"
on 2/29/12 6:04 am
 yeah, I have to reign myself in on Pinterest with all the delicious recipes that I see. 

I've only had salad once and it tore me up. I need to try it again, in the comforts of my own home but never seem to find the time when it would be ok if I were out of commission for a bit, just in case. I do miss salads! (who is this person??!)
VSG on 6/22/11
(deactivated member)
on 2/29/12 6:07 am - Newnan, GA
VSG on 05/04/09 with
Was it the salad or the dressing girlie?  I made a MEAN greek dressing that is eazy peazy and you can control how much oil you use in it.

on 2/29/12 6:11 am
 Well, it could have been either or both. I am lactose intolerant and we were in Germany so I'm not entirely sure what's in the yoghurt dressing (I'm told there could be milk) so it could very well have been that. It sort of scared me though and I'm hesitant. 

Maybe I'll try some salad this weekend and see if I become a 'salad shooter' again. Would love to see that recipe!

Oh and I get it, I also have a 31 inch waisted husband. Poor thing has actually lost about 10 pounds since my sugery. He tries so hard to not eat 'bad' stuff in front of me, in fact I happened across a stash of cookies in the garage the other day- bless his heart!

Oh well...off to my first Karate class. I'm scared to death but sticking to this trying new things motto.

Thanks so much ladies, I appreciate the feedback!!

VSG on 6/22/11
(deactivated member)
on 2/29/12 6:20 am - Newnan, GA
VSG on 05/04/09 with
My beloved lives on carbs, but luckily most of what he lives on has no lure for me (except the whipped taters I make him for lunch.  My rule is "I do not have potatos at home." :}  Serves my purpose!).

Here is the "whole" recipe.  What I tend to do is just make the non oil part and keep it in the refrigerator, and then add however much oil I care to when I make the salad.

(if a whole "batch" is a cup)

1/2 cup oil
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/4 cup lime juice (fine, lemon is what they say, I like the lime!)
1/4 t of salt
1/4 t of parsley

**OR!  Instead of the salt and parsley, I use 1/2 T of Cavender's Greek Spices.

Have fun kikknA girlie!

if you do not like it you never have to do it again !1  That's what I told me about zip lining (way before surgery) and yep, I did not like it enough to never have to do it again!  YAAY!
on 2/29/12 6:00 am
 One of the things I love about the sleeve is that nothing is off limits, obviously limited to good choices though.  I agree with the previous posters.  If it is working for you and your labs are coming back good then no issues.

Personally, I am a repetitive eater.  When I make chcken, it is on the menu for a few days.  Boiled eggs for several days in a row so I only make it once.  When I start to fatigue from something I just rotate something else in.  I was sick of greek yogurt after living off of it for several weeks and just now rotated it back in.  Added in mock mac and cheese today, small amounts of fruit and veggies, etc.  

I read somewhere that being a repetitive type eater is good for weight loss, but I can't remember why.  Perhaps because a person has controlled for portions and cals so doesn't have to think about it some more.  

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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