New to this forum

on 3/7/12 7:03 am - NJ
VSG on 05/30/12 with
 Hi everyone. I'm brand new to this forum and would love some input from anyone who is willing. I am highly considering vsg  and I have already been for a consultation and discussed the surgery in detail with my surgeon. My insurance company has approved it too.  I have some hesitation though. Fear. Not fear of the actual surgery. But fear of wanting my stomach back! It's an irreversible surgery and that scares me. The lap band is not for me....I have explored that option and if I do anything at all it will be the sleeve. I worry about not being able to enjoy a meal again. My social life revolves around going out to eat. Another fear, which may sound stupid, is that I don't want anyone outside of my family to know....mainly people at work. If I'm going to be out of work for a few weeks and then suddenly start losing weight I'm sure coworkers will put it together that I've had weight loss surgery.  lastly, my family is supportive of my decision but some are greatly against me going through with it. They feel that I can lose weight on my own. They don't understand. They are not overweight. Any advice? Thank you in advance. It has been really inspiring reading all of your posts. I am so glad I found this forum. 
on 3/7/12 7:27 am - Chula Vista, CA
VSG on 02/06/12
Hi Alexa,
Your fears are sooo normal and very common. I am 4 weeks post-op and still remember all the things I questioned prior to the surgery. I was very commited to getting more info, very active in the research, but then there was that part of me inside that was thinking "how on earth can I live without my stomach, without food!" I felt there was a possibility I would regret it because food is a very big part of my social life as well. I thought it would be very difficult.

It's safe to say that the majority of us, I would venture to say the 99%, feel that the smaller portions are WORTH the results! I have yet to feel deprived of food. I go out to eat, order the leanest proteins on the menu, and spend most of my time focusing on the conversation while taking my 4-6 bites. The portions will be enough, and I have described the full feeling as the "buffet style full feeling" because you will become satiated enough and will never feel starved.
I can honestly say the hunger does go away, and that is what the sleeve is all about!

Your family may just be concerned about you, but only YOU know what is good for your body. If you feel you've come this far and you've had little success doing it on your own, this is the best thing you can do for yourself. You don't read us say "I love my sleeve!" for nothing. It's a great feeling, when your body cooperates and helps you lose weight. I would do this again if I had to!

Good luck in your decision!
on 3/7/12 7:38 am

I too was worried that I would mourn portiion size.  I do not miss it one tiny bit, and I am really surprised by this!  Since the surgery knocks out all or most of the hunger hormone, it is just a totally different experience.  I feel far far more satieted with my tiny meals then I ever did on my old binge days.  I crave healthier food frequently, and very infrequently crave junk food.  They can keep my stomach, I love what I have going on now!  

The hubby and i go out to eat all the time and still enjoy it.  i also enjoy paying for only one meal and splitting it with him!!  Eating out with coworkers has not occurred yet, but i do eat in the staff lounge.  No issues at all.  When I first started drinking protein shakes there I had an occasional question and a bit of good nature teasing when they saw me mix protein powder in the yogurt.  

I elected to not tell anyone at work.  They did not see me out for two weeks though, as I did it over the holiday break.  They all have noticed the weight loss and at this point I get several comments a day.  Usually they want to know how much weight I have lost.  I tell them I don't know, but do share with them that I have lost 4 sizes since last September.  If they persist on wanting a number I simply tell them that I intentionallhy avoid the emotional roller coaster of gaining a pound in water weight or stalls, so I elect to avoid it all together.  They totally respond to that and no more questions persist.  My only issue is that I have cancer and I get sad looks, people who are not quite sure to believe me when i say I am just fine, and straight up scared questions about it.  They will relax about this when further down the road I am still healthy.  Here is hoping I don't lose too much hair though.... that would surely feed that fire.  

I don't regret a moment of it- I cannot believe how much better I feel and look at only 9 weeks out.  Good luck with your decision!

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

Join the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker group for recipes and tips! Click here to join!

on 3/7/12 7:53 am - NJ
VSG on 05/30/12 with
 Thank you so much for your response. How you handled it at work sounds great and I will do the same. I'm so happy to hear that you don't miss portions and that you and your hubby go out to eat. This is encouraging to know that I'll still go out to eat and socialize. Thanks again 
on 3/7/12 7:39 am - TX
Normal fears!   I eat out, just smaller portions, and enjoy it.   Although, we cook so much better at home now, I like home cooking much better!  
Only once or  maybe twice have I "wished' I could eat alot.   Don't know why, I am "full" with my smaller portions now.  
I DON'T want my stomach back - glad they took it and threw it away, LOL!   
You may find after surgery your social life revolves around something besides eating out, but either way, VSG does not change who you are. 
I told (and still tell) anyone, so I feel differently on that.   But, I understand not telling - such a personal decision.    There are all sorts of responses you can give if someone asks such as I am eating less, exercising more, etc.  which are all true!  
Some people on here have told people they had hernia surgery...   Really, no one's business what surgery you had if you don't want to tell.  
I am less than 1 year out and SO happy with my decision!    Never, never looked back and have NO regrets!  
Good luck with your decision.   Remember, you have to do what is right for YOU!  
Highest weight, 248#
Surgery weight, 236#
Current weight, 138#
on 3/7/12 7:55 am - NJ
VSG on 05/30/12 with
 Hi. Thank you for responding.  It's great to hear that u have no regrets. Makes me feel better.  And u made me laugh when u said they threw ur stomach away! Thanks again. 
on 3/7/12 7:41 am
Your fears are valid!  I'm sure most if not all of us felt that same way.  But two mottos that sum it up for me... Now I eat to live not live to eat!!!  And NOTHING tastes as good as _____(fill in the blank..thin, skinny, healthy, etc)  feels!!!

Do your research and soul searching, only you can make the decision that's right for you!
on 3/7/12 7:56 am - NJ
VSG on 05/30/12 with
 Thank you for your encouraging words! Greatly needed and greatly appreciated. 
on 3/7/12 7:42 am - Cheyenne, WY
I have the same fears and haven't had surgery yet.  However, I try to look at it like people have pieces of themselves taken out every day - gallbladders, spleens, appendixes, etc. - and they do just fine with it.  You still will have a stomach, just a smaller one. 

I'm a talker, so I've told most everybody that I want to - including most people at work.  But everyone is different. 

My dad is against me doing it but he has never had a weight problem and he's 81!  He just doesn't get it so I don't even try to explain it to him.  My mom is more supportive because she's always been overweight so she "gets it".  Neither my sister and brother have said anything, but neither have I, but I assume my mom has told them - so I have no idea how they feel and don't really care at this point.

Do it for yourself.  You're just lucky that you've just started this and your insurance co. has already approved it!!  Mine denied it today so I have to go through more hoops for approval, if they ever do approve it.  So you're the lucky one!!

I'm a firm believer in what is meant to happen will happen - and if you want this, then you'll do it.  But don't let fear stop you - unless you really aren't sure you want it yet, then wait until you're sure.

on 3/7/12 8:01 am - NJ
VSG on 05/30/12 with
 Thank you for responding. It's nice to talk to someone who hasn't had the surgery yet, as well as connect with people who have had it already. You're right, I have to do it for myself and not worry about what others think or say.  So, you are waiting for your insurance company? You have made your decision already to have it? 
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