I think I'm going to be the 1st VSG'er to be completely BALD!

on 6/14/12 6:18 am - GA
Revision on 02/13/12
I know it's part of the process but holy cow, my hair is coming out by the handfuls!!! And I mean like 4 or 5 at a time. I am taking 5000 mcg of Biotin a day and using Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. My hair is every where and all over the house! It's kinda hysterical, my son said (who btw is only 7) "momma what is going on? daddy's are suppose to be bald not mommy's!!" At 4 months I guess it's just part of the process. Going to get a cut Saturday and maybe get some length taken off so at least it won't get too thin... sigh... the things we go through to be cute!!



on 6/14/12 6:32 am
It happens to most of us!! Months 4-6 were absolutely awful for me, the hair was dropping everywhere.  Add that to the shedding of two dogs, and I was vacuuming constantly! The good news is that the hair loss will stop, the bad news is the regrowth seems to take FOREVER! Good luck to you!

Ready for my world to change!
HW394/SW373/GW Under 200
on 6/14/12 6:32 am
VSG on 03/07/12 with
 I'm right there with you! One of my students said "did you brush your hair, cause it's failing out everywhere". I almost cried. My hair has always been the good thing I had going for me. Now I am starting to freak out. My hair dresser and I are the only ones who can notice now, but if it keeps up, I think I will be bald! 

 VSG 3/07/12     HW:260   SW: 249   CW:164  


on 6/14/12 6:36 am
I've always had HL issues but this is extreme.... AND NORMAL. You just have to wait it out.

HW 380.8+  SW- 371.4  CW- 234.4  GW- 200 


on 6/14/12 6:41 am - TX
Get a layered cut and wait it out.  It comes back, but it's a long process.  The nioxin and biotin are great, but they won't stop the loss or speed up the growth, unfortunately.

The good new is, most of the time it's just you and your stylist that sees it happening.  The rest of the world is oblivious. 
on 6/14/12 6:44 am, edited 6/14/12 6:45 am
I hear ya about the hair loss and I feel for you... for all of us!
I always had a full hair of hair. I didn't think I would be concerned at all to lose some hair or even a lot of hair. I felt I could afford it and heck, even welcomed it.
Now when I sweep my kitchen, I sweep more hair off the floor than anything! I'm afraid to comb it because I get more hair on my brush than ever before. I recently got my hair cut and my hair stylist started to thin out my hair (like she normally would in the past because she knows I always want it thinned out) and I freaked, I was like "Noooooo!!!". I think Barbie dolls have more hair than I do right now. Crazy huh? But yeah, what we do to get this excess weight off and get healthier in the process is more worth it. I figure it's hair & it will always grow back. Let's hope so!!!
Good luck with everything




on 6/14/12 7:00 am
I am 7 months out and have had NO hairloss. Not sure why or how I escaped. But so far no loss.
  Highest weight 330 - GW 150  
on 6/14/12 7:24 am

Me too! Though my doctor keeps saying it's protein related. I'm getting lots of protein and haven't lost drastic weight. My girlfriend said "it's because you had that surgery and lost weight so fast." I LOL'd . I said...er no, I've lost REALLY slow. like 7 lbs a month average.

on 6/14/12 8:01 am
Oh yeah, a haircut helps so much!! 

Oh my gosh, when mine first started coming out I was SHOCKED at how much and how fast!  I've got really curly hair so the loose hairs just kept getting tangled up with the regular hair instead of getting on my clothes or dropping onto the floor/pillow/etc.  So after every shower I would come out with handful after handful!!  

I'm 6 mo. out tomorrow, and over the last week I've noticed significantly less hair loss, thank goodness!  This entire time I've been taking 500mcg biotin and 2 Biosil for my hair and skin (whether or not it's actually done anything, who knows - it certainly doesn't hurt).  I use the Nioxin as well - I love the cooling on my scalp.

H - 5'4" SW 260 / CW 133 / GW 150 GOAL in 9 mo 11 days!

on 6/14/12 8:21 am - NJ
VSG on 04/30/12
Hair loss makes me nervous.  My hair is very thin as it is. Yikes!  Maybe I'll look into a wig.

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