Every day gets just a little bit better.

on 6/16/12 4:14 am - WI
VSG on 06/11/12
I was sleeved on Monday, June 11th and I'll be honest, the 2 days following were the worst days of my life. I was in so much pain despite the pain meds. I had a breakdown the second night in the hospital after throwing up for a second time (my liquid pain meds and I didn't agree at first). I cried to the nurse about what if I can't ever drink enough to stay hyrdrated? What if I can't eat enough to get my protein in? What if this pain never goes away? I sat on the toilet for an hour literally praying to pass gas because I was so unbelievably uncomfortable. I was blindly hysterical. He put me back on the pain pump and an IV for the night and by morning I felt better and more ready to tackle this new life. I ended up going home just a couple hours later than expected on the third day in the hospital. I am now on day 5 of post-op (I don't count surgery day as a post-op day) and I am here to tell those with upcoming surgeries that IT DOES GET BETTER. Every day I feel a little bit better. I can drink without my tummy tightening up. I can stand up almost straight again. Just talking the first few days would wear me out. Every day I can sip more, walk more, move more without pain at my stab sites. The gas has passed.

I kept thinking this whole week about what others on here have said about their experiences and it REALLY helped. Walk, sip, rest became my mantra. I would like to add relax to that mantra. Don't worry if you are not doing enough, just do the best you can every day and know that tomorrow will be better. You can't expect to be a super star on the first day. This is MAJOR surgery and you have to get the hang of it. Thanks for reading!
on 6/16/12 4:26 am - HI
VSG on 07/11/12
 Day 5 and you're on here posting. That says a lot! Keep on being positive and each day will get better. Wishing you the best!
on 6/16/12 4:31 am - NC
Great post! I was sleeved on Tuesday and I have to say I'm feeling the same way. I'm not moving around as much as I'd like to.. and I tire out easily. However, i do see myself getting better and better every day. And yes, the day after surgery was the worse for me. I ended up having some itchy reactions to the morphine, and had to get benedryl. It totally knocked me out for the day. Wednesday was a blur! I knew I wouldn't be going home.

One thing I cannot do is sleep in my own bed. I feel so stuck in one place like a paralized pathetic lump. I will be on the couch until I'm able to comfortably move around in the bed on my own.

I have a cough though. I don't know if that is from surgery, or if I just got a chest cold in the process of all of this. But it has really put a damper on the resting because I'm laying on my back and just constantly coughing. It hurts SO bad to cough!
on 6/16/12 4:47 am - HI
VSG on 07/11/12
Wishing you the best too, Michelle!

A friend that I have said his felt like he did 1000 sit ups the first few days. I think reading both of your posts makes it more realistic for me. I'd rather expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised if it's not as bad. 

Thanks for sharing. 
on 6/16/12 9:39 am - WI
VSG on 06/11/12
Sleeping is a challenge for me too. Sitting up seems to work best and it was really tough to move around when sitting or laying at first. I tried to lay down a different way yesterday and I thought I had popped a staple for sure it hurt so bad. Had to take my first pain med dose of the day after that.

I have a little bit of a cough too and I absolutely agree that coughing, blowing my nose, laughing and riding in the car are the worst right now! That must really suck to be coughing so much!!!! I hope you find some relief somehow.
on 6/16/12 6:25 am
VSG on 05/22/12
 I was sleeved on may 22nd and each day has been different. My 2nd day was the worst my veins collapsed so I had an IV in my chest.  But everyday is different. I went through 9 different bottle waters untill I found one that I can drink.   I'm tired of eating soft food there is not much varity Lol! A few more days and I move to a regular diet. I can't wait to have fruit and veggies  It does get better.


on 6/16/12 8:21 am
question - I'm info-seeking still - what would people compare the pain to......the only thing I can think that "might" be somewhat similar but be C-section pain??  I don't know.......any feedback would be appreciated!

January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


on 6/16/12 9:43 am - WI
VSG on 06/11/12
I have never had any kind of surgery before but I imagine it's similar to a c-section. I;d be really interested to hear what others who have had abdominal surgery would say. The muscles in my tummy are pretty tore up right now. I have trouble with bending over, moving around while sitting, (pardon the TMI) wiping in the bathroom, pretty much anything that would normally engage my core or twist or pull my abdomen. When I first stand up and start walking it takes a few steps to stand up all the way straight.
on 6/16/12 9:51 am - NC
I've had two c-sections, and gall bladder removal...
I can say that the pain is similar to csections in the sense of how it limits you, and how you get up from a sitting/laying position ect.

Gall bladder was a friggin breeze.. can't even compare that.
on 6/16/12 10:21 am
thanks for your info - guess instead of one larger incision it would be several smaller ones....

January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


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