I need a little encouragement.

on 7/10/12 6:45 am
VSG on 02/24/12
I could really use a little encouragement.  I have fallen off the wagon.  I got some really bad news and I am so not dealing with it well.  Found out my husband, 31, I am 30 and we have two young children, has cancer.  I am not handling this well.  I have been eating whatever sounds tasty at the time.  I went out and got drunker than I have ever been.  I stopped exercising.  And I now have a 4 pound gain to show for it.  How do I do this and stay on track when I am so preoccupied with my husbands health?  I could really use a little support.
Diana M.
on 7/10/12 6:49 am - TX
VSG on 07/12/12
I'm not qualified to tell you the right thing to do, as I'm still pre op, but wanted to tell you that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
on 7/10/12 6:59 am - Albuquerque, NM
VSG on 04/24/12
Hi, I'm so sorry you are going through this.  Still there is hope.  You have to take care of you right now that includes your health.  I know it sucks but you need to be strong for your family.  You can do this...look how much you've changed so far!  The only way to do it is surround yourself with support.  If you need a therapist than that's what you need.  You do whatever you need to in order to hold it together.  I'm praying for you : )

HW: 351 Pre-op: 272  Current: 140.7 Goal:160      M1:14 M2:14  M3:11  M4:10 M5:10  M6:12  M7:8  M8:6 M9: 6 M10:7 M11: 6 M12: 4 M13: 5 M14:7 M15: 4 M16: 3 M17: 1   M18: 4

"Glory lies in the attempt to reach one's goal and not in reaching it." - Gandhi


on 7/10/12 7:02 am
VSG on 02/23/12
I am so sorry for the stress your family is under. I cannot even imagine. My only suggestion is to plan ahead, maybe journal each day's food in advance, do you have a plan. Be gentle with yourself, but remember your husband and your kids needed you to be well and have your head together. Take some time, think about how to make this work for your family, then do it to it.
on 7/10/12 7:03 am - Laurel, MD
I am so sorry that you received such horrible news!  It is understandable that you would lapse at a time like this.

Both you and your husband will need to be fighting fit to battle the cancer.  Your kids need you to be strong.  Good food will be the best thing to help keep him as strong as possible for the battle he is facing - healthy veggies, grains and proteins and fruits.  I suggest you take a deep breath, visit with a counselor and focus your energy on foods that will help fuel you both for the battle ahead.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your whole family.

Lucy  (Imma Loser!)
  LilySlim Weight loss tickers                  
HW 335 SW 311 CW 181.2 -- Goals:  Twoderville - 6/7/11, 280 - 7/1/11, 260 - 8/1/11, 240 - 10/30/11 Centry Club - 11/22/11, 220 - 12/27/11 Onederland - 5/25/12, 180 - , 170 (surgeons goal) -  
We shall see where this leads...  

on 7/10/12 7:13 am
I am sorry on the shock and bad news. You and your family will get through this. Sending positive vibes, prayers and virtual hugs. My dh had kidney cancer in 2007 and it was hard. I'm only preop so I can't help much with you plan---just encouragement and know we're here for you. You really need to stay strong and keep up your heath so you can fight this. Plan your food, journal, seek some counseling, talk to your Pastor(if you have one), call a friend. HUGS
on 7/10/12 7:19 am
I'm so sorry that you are going through this.  Try to eat the healthier things to munch on in times of stress.  It is hard to deal with these things, but the best thing that we can do is get the support from a professional.  This will help you deal with the crisis and how you can help your family and spouse deal with it as well.  The therapy can act as your "outlet" so you won't feel the need to binge with food,  My thoughts and prayers are with you.  Hang in there-you will get through it.  Help lean on others for the support,  JRThinner
on 7/10/12 7:35 am - Four Corners, NM
 oh my gosh seek... I was wondering what happened to you. You kinda dropped out for a while there. 

Surround yourself with supportive family IRL. Try n get out of the house...take the kids out for a walk..to the park..fresh air to help clear your head.
Find some local support, call the hospital about groups you can attend.  Melatonin 3-9mgs 1 hour before bed for improved sleep. Stress vits....add a superBcomplex before bed, fish/krill oil, L-theanine. 

I agree with others...you won't be no good to anyone if you let yourself go...don't let this burden of weight gain get to you. Let that go...it ain't important TODAY.  

Make a conscious effort to feed yourself...better foods..plan more. Have "safe foods" ready to go. Make a pot of boiled eggs. Roteisserie chickens from store, slow cook roasts..whatever ...make those your go-to's ...they're safe...find comfort in them!! 

I feel so helpless...for you.  Having cancer isn't a death sentence anymore. Hopefully this can be treated....he's got the strength of youth on his side.  

My sincerest thoughts and well wishes extend to you n your family  

on 7/10/12 7:50 am
I am so sorry to hear this.  I can't even imagine how hard this is to deal with.  I would guess with this news that you are feeling like you are powerless and don't have control over anything.  So maybe do what you can to take control over what you eat - easier said than done, obviously.  I would probably do the exact same thing - it is our old ways of coping.  Just do what you can, be easy on yourself.  I will be praying for you all.
on 7/10/12 9:17 am
VSG on 06/28/12
 Nikki, you need to be strong for husband, your kids and yourself. Know that at this time when it may be the hardest thing in your life is when you really do have to be the strongest you have ever been. Cancer is not a death sentence. I am not sure what kind of cancer he has but your children need you to be a healthy mommy. As hard as this may be. You can do this, don't stop your journey because there is a mountain in your way. Push forward and exercise to help with your stress level. I wish you the best of luck and hope that your husbands cancer is curable. Stay healthy for your family. 

Heighest weight: 433.5, Pre surgery weight 383.5 
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