Does your brain ever change to WANT to exercise?

on 10/14/13 6:30 am
I do it as a means to an end. I don't go to the gym skipping and singing but I go.



on 10/14/13 7:51 am

Yes and no.  Before surgery, I had to force myself to go for walks.  I set a goal and just had to go after it.  Post op it was more of that for a bit, but after maybe a month it did a total turn around. I had by then lost almost 50 pounds (includes preop loss) and wanted to add minutes and intensity.  I did have to set a specific goal though- I realized early out that if I said to myself that I MUST exercise at least an hour 6 days a week, it probably wouldn't work out.  Too many days where I was so tired it was just hard to think about even starting.  I knew though, usually once I do start that I rarely stop before an hour is up.  So, my goal was 6 days a week 20 minutes a day.  This way if I had a day I was wiped out and wanted to stop at 20 minutes it was Ok, but 95% of the time I kept going.  Exercise was critical for me and I still make sure to work it in now- just not nearly as much.

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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on 10/14/13 9:33 am - Parsippany, NJ
VSG on 03/05/13

OMG!! This "wanting to exercise" actually just recently happened to me!!  Perhaps because I don't weigh as much now, it's easier to exercise, alos less self-conscious about it, etc...however, recently I had rented bikes for 2 days while on vacation.... loved riding, got home, ordered one for myself, waiting to pick up this week..I can not wait to get moving! Today, hubby said he was going for a walk, I jumped up and went out with him....I could actually feel my muscles enjoying it...that sounds weird, but they did.  yesterday I got on my elliptical (gathering dust for the past 3-4 years)...I WANT to move!!  my BODY wants to move!! I am 7 months out, and sadly only exercised maybe 2 days a week. don't know why/how this has happened, but I hope to never lose that feeling.  I think it would be a great transfer addiction (but doubt that will happen).

I agree with the other poster who said at least get the exercise clothes on...once you get that far, you're more likely to keep moving.

best of luck,


HW 275 SW 246 CW 162.5  GW 150  ( 5'1"  Over 1 1/2 inch lost in the last few yrs! LOL) lost 50 lbs on my own, stable for 3 yrs, gained back 21 during year b4 surgery.

Sandy M.
on 10/14/13 9:34 am - Detroit Lakes, MN
Revision on 05/08/13

Yes, you can retrain your brain!  Just like anything else, if you do something consistently, it becomes a habit.  And for me, having always been a tad competitive, it helps when I set goals.  When you start a running program and Endomondo tells you that you just set a personal record, there's nothing better than that feeling!  

And as you lose the weight, you'll find that it becomes easier, which just means you need to push harder.  The payoff is a healthy heart, lean muscles, confidence, and better sleep.  And after all, isn't that why you're having the surgery to begin with?

I don't know when your surgery date is, but first of all, well done for starting the walking regimen now - you'll be really glad later! 

Why not take a leap of faith and sign up for your first 5K or fun run for say, a month or 6 weeks after surgery?  You don't have to run, and it'll give you incentive to get out there every day and train.  I did my first 5k six weeks after surgery and there's nothing like a finisher medal to make you feel darn good about yourself!  Since then I've done two more and have one coming up at the end of this month.  

Good luck on your journey - you've got this!

Height 5'4"  HW:223 Lap band 2006, revised to Sleeve 5/8/2013, SW:196



on 10/14/13 11:23 am
VSG on 07/15/13

Mine definitely is different, but not with walking.  I still don't like walking and dread the idea of needing to take a walk.  However, I go to 6 classes a week (1 piyo, 3 yoga, and 2 strength/cardio/interval types) and love them.  I've been super cranky and just dying to go to yoga to calm.  The gyms closed today and I'm sad :(  So it definitely happens.


on 10/14/13 11:40 am

Not for everyone. Some people will learn to love exercising, others will do it because it's good for them and not because they have a strong desire to so, and some will never adapt to it either way. 

on 10/14/13 11:36 pm - MI
VSG on 03/08/12

It has for me.  I used to HATE exercise.  Dreaded it.  Even walking, especially at my heaviest.  As I have lost, I have started to enjoy walking, kayaking and recently weight training.  Loving the weight training.  Using a DVD by Leslie Sansone called Walk it off in 30.  There is a Firm in 30 section that is just weight, strength training, 30 minutes.  I actually cannot believe I look forward to doing it.

With that said, I still have to set the time aside and make it a habit and I certainly would rather sit on the couch, knit and watch a movie.  But once you start and it is something you can do and feel good afterward as well, your brain does crave it.

I used to laugh at my friends that said they would get a runner's high or energized after exercise.  Now I understand.  Stick it out.  Took me awhile.  I started with water fitness at my heavier weight and have gradually tried new things.  I still do not run, just too heavy still and have bad knees and ankles, but I have attempted to jog a bit to see if I could do it.  And low and behold I can.

Sometimes we just have to force ourselves to try something new and realize we can do it.

Find something you love, start slow and even if you only do 15 min, it will get easier.  Do not get discouraged if you cannot do everything in a work out DVD, it gets better, it gets easier and best of all.  You finally realize that exercise can be enjoyable!

Blessings on your journey!

  “Not many of us are living at our best.  We linger in the lowlands because we are afraid to climb the mountains.  The steepness and ruggedness dismay us, and so we stay in the misty valleys and do not learn the mystery of the hills.  We do not know what we lose in our self indulgence.  What glory awaits us if only we had the courage for the mountain climb.  What blessing we should find if only we would move to the uplands of God.?  JRM
on 10/14/13 11:50 pm - WA
I definitely have hope! I can see and feel a big difference already since losing 45lbs in how much physical activity I can handle. The first time I walked a mile I was so ecstatic since only a few months before I couldn't even handle walking for more than 5 minutes without my body being in a lot of pain. I am really excited for all the cool activities that I'll be able to do as my weight goes down. I know for me not getting bored will be one of the main factors of motivation, because I get bored really easily!

HW 505  SW 446  GW 200.       VSG Surgery on 1/22/14


on 10/15/13 12:30 am - MI
VSG on 03/08/12

Takes a lot of experimenting to see what you like.  I found I love to kayak and it is a great upper body workout.  I also could not believe that I liked a Zumba class I took.  There are tons of DVD's you can get at the library.  I dislike about 95% of them.  But when I find one, I do love it.  Keep looking, keep trying and it will eventually become a more natural desire.

I made a habit of just doing a couple stretches every time I go to the bathroom.  Now, I can touch the floor with ease.  Really helped my flexibility and it only took seconds each time I was in the bathroom.  The little things count!

  “Not many of us are living at our best.  We linger in the lowlands because we are afraid to climb the mountains.  The steepness and ruggedness dismay us, and so we stay in the misty valleys and do not learn the mystery of the hills.  We do not know what we lose in our self indulgence.  What glory awaits us if only we had the courage for the mountain climb.  What blessing we should find if only we would move to the uplands of God.?  JRM
on 10/15/13 1:04 am - TX

I wish I loved to exercise but I just don't - can find any excuse in the world to not go - too windy, too hot, too cold, will mess up my pedicure, headache, etc. In my past skinnier fitter life, I would have a buddy to go to an exercise class with that would make me accountable for going.  Right now I don't have a buddy at my fitness level to meet me for a walk or a class, so I finally got a trainer.  That was a scarey thing for me cause I was intimidated as an overweight gal by trainers - I have a friend who is a trainer so I asked her to help me get going - that worked for 6 weeks.  She is now working somewhere else so she handed me over to another trainer who is a great guy - again - I was intimidated - but he quickly put me at ease.  He isn't one of the macho trainer guys you see at some gyms - in fact - at the gym where I'm going - the macho trainer guys are just sitting around with no clients  while the more approachable down-to-earth trainers are really busy.  My trainer is kinda dumpy - needs to lose 15 lbs - but is too busy training to take time for himself.  

It is expensive but this is the year for me - it makes me go to the gym to meet my trainer.  I do feel better exercising - but still have to make myself go out and do some exercise on the days I don't go to the gym.  

I am really envious of those of you whose brains have changed and love to go work out.  I'm still a work in progress -maybe someday I'll be there - in the meantime - off I go to meet my trainer!




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