Hanging upside down in a seatbelt, I thought, This could've ended up differently..."

on 11/15/13 5:17 am

Yesterday morning I totaled my car on a gravel road- and I mean totaled- airborn and rolled - ended upside down hanging from my seatbelt with my nose in the windshield.   As I hung suspended and stuck in what was as close to a sardine can as I ever hope to never be again- I had a little time, in between frantic praying that someone would come along the deserted country road, to think how, if this had happened a year ago the outcome may have been very different- Like, what happens to a persons body when it barely fits behind a steering wheel and then that steering wheel gets pushed into the car interior 12 inches?  How do paramedics pull a 345 pound person out of a crinkled tin can?  As it was, the steering wheel did not cut me in half, and the EMTs had enough room to board me and pull me out through  the partially jimmied door.  God was good to me yesterday.  I'm very banged up and bruised, but no broken bones and I suppose the jello that is my brain will eventually reset.  Mostly I'm thinking that 345 pounds I probably would'nt even be posting this.   The fact that I can is something I thank God for.

  goal!!! August 20, 2013   age: 59  High weight: 345 (June, 2011)  Consult weight: 293 (June, 2012)  Pre-Op: 253 (Nov., 2012) Surgery weight: 235 (Dec. 12, 2012) Current weight: 145

 TOTAL POUNDS LOST- 200 (110 pounds lost before surgery, 90 pounds lost Post Op.diabetes in remission-blood pressure normal-cholesterol and triglyceride levels normal!  BMI from 55.6  supermorbidly obese to 23.6  normal!!!!  



on 11/15/13 5:23 am - Mansfield, TX

Oh My Goodness!!!! I'm soooo happy you are okay! That must have been horrific! This is reason #1 to have a VSG - Life!  Bless you and I hope you feel better soon.


Goal Reached in 12.5 Months
HW: 274   Pre-OpW: 266   SW: 254   CW: 125  GW: 145

You must permanently change your lifestyle if you want your weight loss to be permanent. You can do it!

Sandy M.
on 11/15/13 5:28 am - Detroit Lakes, MN
Revision on 05/08/13

I'm so thankful you're okay!

Height 5'4"  HW:223 Lap band 2006, revised to Sleeve 5/8/2013, SW:196



on 11/15/13 5:29 am - Moorhead, MN
VSG on 10/16/13

Scary. I've been a bad accident so I relate. Glad you are ok.

on 11/15/13 5:56 am
VSG on 07/09/13

So glad you are ok- very true!


Learn from your family history and rewrite yours!

on 11/15/13 5:56 am - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

I am SO sorry to hear this and am SO happy that you are ok!!!! How terrifying...

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at http://flirtybythirty.wordpress.com


on 11/15/13 6:01 am - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
VSG on 10/15/12

Oh my goodness!  So glad you're alright and that you could find the good in it. Take care. 



Ht: 5'2" |  HW 225, BMI 41.2  |  CW 115, BMI 21.0

on 11/15/13 6:17 am

The good?  oh, yah- the good.  This should have turned out so bad, regardless.  As the Fire dept. and EMT pulled up, they immediately called up the life flight helicopter because the car was  so totally toasted- Half of the field was inside the car......I'm walking in a touched and blessed space today just to be breathing.

  goal!!! August 20, 2013   age: 59  High weight: 345 (June, 2011)  Consult weight: 293 (June, 2012)  Pre-Op: 253 (Nov., 2012) Surgery weight: 235 (Dec. 12, 2012) Current weight: 145

 TOTAL POUNDS LOST- 200 (110 pounds lost before surgery, 90 pounds lost Post Op.diabetes in remission-blood pressure normal-cholesterol and triglyceride levels normal!  BMI from 55.6  supermorbidly obese to 23.6  normal!!!!  



Tracy D.
on 11/15/13 6:01 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

OMG!  So glad your guardian angel was watching out for you and that you'll be OK. And thank goodness for WLS!

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 11/15/13 6:11 am
VSG on 07/22/13
So glad you survived! Take care


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