feeling blah......FAT!!

Kelly Jean
on 5/31/14 10:14 am
VSG on 04/08/14

I don't know what's up with my mind.... since my surgery I have felt very good physically and mentally. .. every pants size down is awesome ..I feel good getting dressed in the morning for work... but today... I don't know what's going on.... I FEEL FAT AGAIN! !!   I looked in the mirror and I hated it... I look down at my legs and hate it... I just feel yucky ...I wanna just go to sleep and maybe I won't see or think about it.... it feels kind of bizzare ..  :-(


Amber G.
on 5/31/14 10:28 am
VSG on 04/02/14

Awww I am sorry you are feeling down today :( I know I have had the same type of days, and you are not alone. Maybe it is hormonal? Thats seems to be the trigger for me. I betcha you will feel better in a few days! You got to just keep focusing on how far you have come so far! And it will only get better! 

Kelly Jean
on 5/31/14 10:36 am
VSG on 04/08/14

Thanks Amber... I know your right I really do just my mind is really messing with me....but that you for responding to my silly little rant!! :-)


Amber G.
on 5/31/14 10:49 am
VSG on 04/02/14

NOT silly at all....ummm...have you read some of mine?? LOL! This journey is very mental, and it can be hard on some days. I know it is for me :) Just got to keep pushin along! I try to remember how I felt prior to surgery, and it does help a lot too! 

on 5/31/14 10:46 am - Austin, TX
VSG on 05/01/14 with

Hmmm . . . I've been thinking about this kind of feeling for a while--that feeling where you just want to turn off your life for a while, where everything is just that little bit too overwhelming. So you overeat to somnulence, or you get over critical of yourself and want to isolate, or you start ruminating about things that happened in a paranoid fashion that stirs up anger and still more need to isolate.

I'm not saying this is you, I'm speculating that this is me. I suspect that overeating was my way of shutting off the world.

This is very similar to what I realized when I was finally successful at quitting smoking ten years ago (and gained 100 pounds). I realized that having a cigarette was a way of turning off my life, taking a break, isolating (because no one else smokes anymore), of having to remove myself physically from other people in order to smoke. That realization was key to helping me actually quit smoking, because I decided that I did NOT want to walk away from my life, after all, and once I made the connection, the choice to quit became something I had very little trouble committing to. And I had smoked a pack a day for 30 years.

I have been searching for a similar realization related to overeating these last ten years, and I think I may be starting to make some important connections, finally, with the help of my therapist. I'm not sure whether or not this bit of rambling will be helpful for you, but thank you for your post--it has certainly helped spark some thinking on my part!

DOB 1958, HT 5'4" . . . HW 310, SW 281, CW 184.3

M1 -25, M2 -7, M3 -11.9, M4 -7.6, M5 -11.8, M6 -9.6, M7 -1.7, M8 -10, M9 -5, M10 -5


Kelly Jean
on 5/31/14 10:55 am
VSG on 04/08/14

Skeller yea it has helped... Thank you....and if I help you think about things  that in itself helps me most.... I'd much rather help others then help me...that's what makes me feel best so thank you!!!! :-)


on 5/31/14 11:22 am
VSG on 07/10/14 with

I think talking to a counselor would be a good idea. I am worried I will feel the same way after surgery (currently pre-op). When I was 125 lbs in college I thought I was fat. I was terribly insecure about my body even though I was in great shape. I constantly compared myself to others. Then when I packed on 100 lbs I stopped thinking about weight. I had eaten myself out of a place where others looked at me "like that" and it was liberating. Unfortunately that's not a good type of liberation. More like denial.                

So I am concerned about feeling fat as I LOSE weight since I associate those anxieties with my being at a lower weight. Does that make sense? Could something similar be happening with you? Or some other psychological issue that might be impacting how you feel about yourself? Worth seeing someone about probably. Good luck.


Kelly Jean
on 5/31/14 11:41 am
VSG on 04/08/14

I'm hoping it's just a bad day.... and tomorrow I will be back to normal... if not I certainly will think of getting some out side help.... but I think this to shall pass!!! :-)

Thank you green sleeved :-)


Laura in Texas
on 5/31/14 11:47 am

I think what you are feeling is perfectly normal. MOST of us go through that. Looking at your tickers, you are halfway to goal. That is awesome!! Try to focus on that. Make sure you have smaller clothes along the way to flatter your new smaller figure. The mental part is the hardest. It probably took me 3-ish years to get used to the new me (I'm 5.75 years out now).

Hang in there. It does get better, I promise!!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Kelly Jean
on 5/31/14 11:53 am
VSG on 04/08/14

Laura thank you for the kind words!!!! Wow you look awesome..... from your pics I see they are words of wisdom!!!!! Thanks for the smile you help me put back on....:-)


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