One month out, went for check up and feeling a little down

on 11/6/14 5:20 am

Physically I am feeling fine, but since I have gone for a check up two days ago I am feeling a bit discouraged. 


I saw the physician's assistant that works for my surgeon and she said that I need to lose as much weight as I can in the next 5 months because they find that this is the time when the most of the weight is lost. I told her my niece had a bypass two years ago by the same surgeon I used for my sleeve and she didn't lose her last 50 pounds until she was over a year out. She said that with the ten year age difference I have with my niece, that I may not lose as much as much as her. I will be 62 in two weeks.  Even if I lose 10 pounds a month I still would not reach my goal in 5 months.  I have only lost 22 pounds since my surgery on 10/08/14.  I am barely eating anything, I had an 80 calorie yogurt for dinner last night, and today I had my protein drink for breakfast and a soft boiled egg for lunch. I am already feeling like a failure.  How long did you guys continue to lose weight. 



Age 61 Height 4'11" HW 274.00  SW 250.00- (10/08/2014) CW 224.6 (11/3/2014)

on 11/6/14 5:43 am
VSG on 03/07/14

You've lost 22 pounds in a month - THAT IS GREAT!!!!

Yes - it will slow down after the initial months - but there is nothing that says you will just stop losing when you hit 6m. 

I am 8m post op and still losing. 

     ticker5'-8",HW 347,SW329,M1-25 M2-17 M3-11 M4-13 M5-14 pregnant-->


on 11/6/14 5:49 am
VSG on 11/18/14

I think 22 lbs in one month is excellent. I hope your PA is wrong because I have the age thing too. I'll be 63 next week and have my surgery on the 18th. I was 245 at my surgeon consult. He thought 85 pounds was a reasonable goal for my age. He said after that it would be up to hard work from me. I'm very interested in the responses you get. Good Luck! Don't eat too little. Sometimes that slows you!




on 11/6/14 6:02 am - Chicago, IL

22 pounds is a LOT ! I think its great... I have not had the surgery yet but I think you are being a bit hard on yourself. You have lost weight and you are on the right track. It all take whatever time it takes... Just work the tool, follow the plan and give the rest to God ! 


good luck ! 

on 11/6/14 7:03 am

I know Rome was not built in a day and I know by seeing so many on this board who have succeeded. Maybe I am just remembering all the failed diets I have had. I know this time is different.  I come here to check in with all "the losers" who are actually "winners". 



Age 61 Height 4'11" HW 274.00  SW 250.00- (10/08/2014) CW 224.6 (11/3/2014)

on 11/6/14 8:35 am - Calgary, Canada
VSG on 10/01/14 with

Hi sorry your depressed, I'm 53 this is what I do. I saw that most loose a lot in the first few months too. I was tracking my food intake compaired to weight lost each week and found I lost more weight and felt better when I stayed away from dairy. It really slowed my system down. I make all my soups from chicken broth and add veg no potatoes, no short chain carbs at all. I found brocolli really fills me up. I also stick to sugar free jello or pudding for deserts, or when peckish. I make the pudding with part skim milk and par****er. That is the only dairy oh and some ranch dressing for beet soup.  I bet this could boost your losses oh ya drink 2 cups of water first in the morning to rehydrate before food. Take your time consume slowly and if you get busy consume later. Don't eat or drink in a hurry, change your habit of how you approach food.

good luck don't dispare

sincerely Lucy

Sincerely, Lucy

on 11/6/14 8:48 am - MI

Are you kidding me? 22 lbs is awesome!!

GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 11/6/14 9:05 am - CA
VSG on 12/19/13

I think most people lose the majority of their weight in the first six months.  But that doesn't mean it STOPS.

I try to keep in mind that weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint.  You didn't gain all the weight in six months, and you're a lightweight.  If it takes nine months or twelve months or fifteen months, does it really matter?  As long as you keep on your program, weight will come off.

Hang in there.  Don't get discouraged so soon after surgery.  I know that it feels monumental, but time passes quickly and you'll feel much better as the weight comes off.

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

Dawn ..
on 11/6/14 9:32 am - MI
VSG on 09/23/14

You are doing fantastic. Don't get discouraged.

Consult 12/9/13, Pre-Surgery Appt 9/5/14, Surgery 9/23/14, Height/5'.52", HW/273,  ConsW/268 ConsBMI/49, PreSurW/213 PreSurBMI/39, SurW/193.8 SurBMI/35.4, Drs GW/140-150 My 1st GW/160 2nd GW/145
Visit my online store at  Independent Consultant ID 30858

Cindy B.
on 11/6/14 9:42 am
VSG on 10/22/12

22 pounds in the first month is awesome! As long as you stay on plan, you should do fine. It's the easiest for most of us to lose the most weight in the first 6 months. I was told the first 6 to 12 months. I really didn't notice any slow down in my weight loss after the 6 month point. I was about 20 years younger than you when I had my surgery, but I lost 130 pounds in about 9 months. That's about what you want to lose total if I remember right so I think it's totally doable for you. Don't let your PA make you feel bad. I'm sure their goal is to help you succeed. Keep going! You can do it! :)



Surgery weight 255     GW 140     CW 128

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