The amount of money I saved after WLS

Suzanne B.
on 5/6/11 2:58 pm, edited 5/6/11 3:00 pm - OR
Hi Everyone,
I thought about how much WLS cost and then I sat down and did a little calculation on what I would save each month. I was amazed when I figured out that is sure didn’t take me long to pay myself back because I wasn’t spending as much for food, medication, doctor’s visits, eating out and less gas for my car because I walked a lot more and did my shopping on my walks. 

Yes self-pay does cost us more. I gave up waiting for an insurance company to say yes, because I knew that they just weren’t going to do it and I wasn’t willing to give away any more days of my life. I knew Dr. Aceves was the best and that was just where I was going. Check out my numbers and think about how fast you actually recover your initial investment in yourself.

Suzanne Sleeved 10/21/2008

Total weight lost 105 pounds
Item Saving Costs per month Savings Cost of my Sleeve Surgery
Food $150.00 $1,800.00 by Dr. Aceves
Eating out $150.00 $1,800.00  
Medication $75.00 $900.00  
Doctor $100.00 $1,200.00  
Gas/walk more $25.00 $300.00  
Saving per month $500.00    
Total savings for 1 year $6,000.00 $8,700.00
How long it took me to pay myself back    
for my WLS because I was saving each    
month because I wasn't eating as much    
or going to the doctor as much and    
taking less medication.     
So at the end of 17 months I had saved    
enough money to pay myself back what I    
spent for the cost of my WLS. AREN'T YOU WORTH THE COST OF THE SURGERY?
  Take care, and be happy,
Suzanne B
Eugene, OR
Dr. Aceves
Start lbs 225
Now 120
on 5/27/11 4:23 am
wow suzanne what an eye opner.
and cheers to you.
    LilySlim - (m9B4)
Suzanne B.
on 5/27/11 2:39 pm - OR

Thanks I just wanted people to see that WLS is worth the time, money and effort to become successful at WLS.  WLS has changed my entire life.

Suzanne B
Eugene, OR
Dr. Aceves
Start lbs 225
Now 120
Suzanne B.
on 5/28/11 11:22 am - OR

Thanks, was always trying to come up with inforamtion that allows people to see that they are worth the time, money and effort it takes to be successful at weigh loss surgery.  It has changed my entire life and I have no regrets,

Suzanne B
Eugene, OR
Dr. Aceves
Start lbs 225
Now 120
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