Accountability - Monday - Holiday

Not the Same Dawn
on 5/31/11 5:04 am - BEE EFF EEE, CA
Today I spent keeping busy..I actually cleaned the house deeply..scoured the bathrooms vacuumed and then MADE whole wheat burger buns! I also updated my LabTracker with all my vitamins and figured out what more I need or how to adjust from the recent test on my D levels. My D is climbing slowly. 30 in July and 37 in April.  I didn't keep track of the counts at all today.

protein waffles

leftover omelet and leftover chicken

then I had a lean burger with real cheddar cheese and bacon on a home made whole wheat burger bun.

We went to visit my beagle cuz the vet said she was depressed and lethargic. I took her chicken and cottage cheese  - neither of which she would even SNIFF..she was really really sick looking. Tuesday morning we transferred her to our regular vet and it looks like this little deal is gonna cost me about $ much for a free rescue dog! Maxed out one credit card that was zero to start with..I'm worried sick..Got her over to our regular vet and she they'll do more blood work and such..

Sadly, I haven't kept track of my intake. I'm just so distraught..

I hope you all are doing okay. Say a prayer for me and for Candy..she's SO lethargic.
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
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