Almost 3 years and starting to gain wight

on 6/2/11 6:32 am - Henderson, NV
I had RNY surgery in August 2008 and lost about 110 pounds.  OVer the past 6 months I have put about 25 pounds back on and want to stop this trend.....immediately.  I went to a dietician for the first time and she put me on a 1000 calorie/day diet and suggested I count how many meats, dairy, fruits, etc.  I realize that with 1000 calories, I will be unable to eat things like protein bars/shakes; unless as a meal replacement.  I am not sure this is the correct approach.

I am open to suggestions and also realize that I have to change the foods that I eat.  Are there any websites with menu planning advice?  I need help!  Thanks.
on 6/2/11 8:09 am - Arlington, TX
 I don't use a menu planner but I do log my food in  I love it because it offers the breakdown of all nutrition you eat.  You can set your % of protein, carbs, and fats. If you try a new food that's not in the data base, you can add it also you can enter recipes and it will print out all the info.  You can also print reports (I take mine with me to the doctor). You can't plan for but a day at a time unless you figure our how to log it as a past day.
Don't know if you are interested but I like it.
on 6/2/11 12:08 pm
on 6/2/11 11:40 pm - Random Lake, WI
I remember being able to do 3 protein supplements (around 110 cals each) in a 800 calorie per day diet.  At that time, I had 50% of calories from protein.

My first real food meal after surgery was a breakfast of  1 egg and 1/2 of an english muffin which is around 135 calories.

Its possible but A) we forget what things were like and B) it doesn't seem like enough to our inner food addict.

on 6/3/11 4:09 am - Shelbyville, MI
Good for you getting a handle right now on your regain.
The weight will come off and the reason I say this is because it's true, slowly this time the weight will come's not a race. Move to lose that weight.
Be sure to go to a Bariatric Support group, you will find you are not alone. You are normal.
You will always have to be mindful of your Eating. Exercise and eating less is the key. Eat foods you like, otherwise you will feel deprived. So...are you exercising? What is your workout?
If you aren't exercising...start walking today. No cost in walking. Meditate, look around on your walks, time to count your blessing around you. You are healthy.
You can get those 25 pounds back off.
Start journaling what you are eating and when. Look for the key there. Why are you reaching for food? You deserve to be a normal weight. Don't sabotage yourself either. But don't be afraid to treat yourself once in awhile, just not everyday.
Really try to look at this as a lifestyle change, anything else and you will be yo-yo dieting again and you don't want that.

So if bad sugar and carbs have snuck back into your eating habits...time to kick those to the curb. Maybe if you need to "detox" your body of sugar and carbs, I like the EAS Protein drinks that are 110 calories and 17gms of protein. Drink 6-8 of these x3 days only to reacquaint yourself to your WLS. It's only 3 days and that's doable right? Or if you can't just do the drinks have a normal supper of fish, steak, chicken.

We can all make excuses and I know you aren't doing that. You are just taking the bull by the horns and getting back on track. You know your body best and what it requires.
I like the Weigh****cher frozen dinners and I keep them in my freezer when I just am tired of planning meals. I keep plenty of fresh fruits and veggies in my fridge always. I have to make people take home any chips or cookies left over if we have a party. Why? Because they "call" to me and I find myself reaching into the sack for those chips!
Good luck, you can get those 25 pounds off. The only way is: calories in and calories out...along with exercise. No magic. Wish there were! Ugh!
Mary Catherine
on 6/3/11 6:45 am
 It is almost unheard of for anyone to get to year three without regaining about 20 pounds.  The pouch stretches out, the malabsorption decreases, and dumping goes away.  The whole excitement with dieting also gets to be old news.  The big problem is that most of the weight comes off in the first six months.  Then we get a honeymoon period with slow loss.  There is little or no loss for a long time and our weight stays remarkably stable no matter what we eat.

That leads us to believe that we have been cured of obesity.  We are not cured, just in remission. In my case, I gave up the protein shakes and bars and try to stick to food.  If I did have a bar or shake, it would be a meal replacement.

Most of us have found it is very difficult to lose that bounceback weight. It is not quick and easy like it was after surgery. Now it seems like every ounce is held on with superglue.  

The 1000 calorie diet might be just what a lot of us need.  Please followup and let us know how it goes.
on 6/7/11 7:16 am
I'm over 9 yrs out and have used the 1000-1200 calorie per rule day since I was about a year out. You should be able to get all your protein from food and not need supplemental bars or shakes at this point in time. They add a lot of liquid calories and probably more than we need in a day. Your 3 meals should be sufficient and add a snack in if you need to based on your exercise history. Track your intake for a few days and see how many calories you're getting in per day, how much protein and how many fat grams, carbs, etc. I still eat protein only or protein forward meals for each meal per day. I was never on protein supplements (as per my docs suggestion) so have only every gotten all my protein from food. You can do it daily, and still keep your calories down. If you want to lose besides counting calories, up your exercise and water intake - that usually jump starts weight loss. Good Luck to you.
Jen 9 yrs post op RNY
on 6/10/11 8:21 am
shar S.
on 6/13/11 2:26 pm - Buffalo Grove, IL
we had the samwe's been 4 years for me and I, too, have started to gain.. so far 10 pounds have come back and I can't seem to get a grip on the dieting. have you seen the Dr lately? I haven't


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