Daughters still not supportive.

on 6/18/11 2:47 am
Wendy, you are so right!!!! I was more afraid of sleep apnea, diabetes, joint issues, personal hygiene issues, etc., than I was of having the surgery done.
 LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
(deactivated member)
on 6/18/11 2:47 am
you should have done like my mother did...she didnt tell us kids that she was having the surgery until like the day before she went in haha...we had a few questions and concerns but knew opur mother had already had her mind made up..obviously..now three years later i'm going to her for advice on how to be successful after wls..i have a few haters too but they aren't gonna change my mind in any way...the good outway the bad in this instance and i'm pushing foward and so should you!! every surgery has its risk..but this is a risk i'm willing to take!! good luck hunnie and you can vent anytime:)
on 6/18/11 2:57 am
Sit her down and tell her to mind her own business. Tell her in no uncertain terms that she is not to discuss this with you unless she can be supportive of the decision you have ALREADY made to have the surgery. You keep letting her push you around like this and you're headed for a panic attack before you go in for surgery.

I would wait exactly one second to make that phone call - or go visit her personally right now. You don't need this stress, hopefully you are an adult that has made a well-informed decision - she needs to have a litte respect.
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/18/11 8:14 am
I told 3 people. male and female bestfriend and my eldest daughter.

I prefer to keep it this way and they will be the only one's that know(unless of coarse they tell someone they know using me as a reference). If someone ask what r u doing to lose the weight, i will say that i am not taking as many meds as i use to and that will be the truth.
I AM SOOOOOOOOOO ready to retest for the h.pylori so that I can resubmit to my insurance.looking to lose 70-80 pounds.

       I know what i'm doing,I have it all planned-plans to give you the future you hope for.Jeremiah 29:11(The Message)
With God's Will, I was approved!


on 6/18/11 11:29 am - IN
Thanks for all the support - it really means so much.

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