LifeStarts WLS


Hero of the Month?
March 4, 2010 4:28 pm
 Thanks to everyone who was able to go by and check out my story on
"Life-starts WLS, Hero of the month. " A shoutout to you personally to you Natalie for giving me the opportunity to share my story and also for giving all of us a 'voice.'  You are such a tremendous help and support to all of us.  You are such a great person with an AMAZING story yourself.  We love you and appreciate all the work you put into this group and that is why it is what it is today.  I am so honored to be a part of it and help as your Moderator.  Thank God for you...

Secondly, to my fabulous group, I so appreciate all of your comments, encouragments, and well wishings.  You guys really helped me more than you know to make all of this possible with your concen and support.  We all grow together with that common foundation of 'weight loss surgery.'  We share many of the same struggles, ups and downs and accomplishments in this journey and its well worth the ride when we have each other to lean on in times of troubble.  So once again I thank all of you and look forward to reading 'your' success story in the future.  God bless to all...

Co-Leader of Changed For God &
Moderator of LIFE_STARTS WLS
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