Lose Weight Find Life


Cathy W.
on 3/14/10 10:35 am
I've never thought of myself as a procrastinator.  I think I have become one!  We have an appointment to get our taxes done and I waited until the last minute to get it organized and calculated. I cause myself more stress when I procrastinate.

I never used to procrastinate.  Actually, I took great satisfaction in the fact that I would anticipate things needing to be done and complete them on time or ahead of time.

So, I'm writing this to all of you that I am aware of this new propensity I have somehow picked up.  I know it is nothing more than a habit (bad habit!!).  Just like when we have surgery we need to ditch old habits that didn't work for us and develop new, healthy habits.  While procrastination doesn't exactly translate to eating and exercise, it does cause me some anxiety.  The task I need to complete is there, hanging over my head, draining some of my energy nagging at me to get it done.  When I feel drained or anxious, my head hunger tends to kick in.

I'm happy and excited that I discovered something about myself that I can change to improve myself. 



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on 3/19/10 1:37 am - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Procrastination, eh???  Oh I've heard that some folks have that problem, but know nothing about it first-hand of course.  Yah, right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (see how long it took me to respond to this post/) LOL

One thing I've observed over the years, folks who have an investment in being perfect often procrastinate (or don't finish what they start) because until a task is completed, it can't really be judged as imperfect. 
