Lose Weight Find Life

Get the momentum

Cathy W.
on 4/7/10 5:58 am
I've been on track with my nutrition and activity goals for quite awhile.  I love the momentum of feeling so much better when I follow my personal program of eating healthfully, activity, and managing my emotions in a non-food way!

It is so strange to me that I feel so great yet I will allow something small to cause me to detour off my highway of momentum. 

Anyway, I'm giving lots of thought to my Weight Loss Purpose Statement that I'm doing on my blog.  If any of you have any thoughts, comments or insights you'd like to share, please do as I would appreciate it.  I know a lot of people are doing it along with me so I want to do the best in this project possible.

Thanks!!  Cathy


Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

on 4/8/10 11:25 pm - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Cathy, sometimes I think I get off track just because I don't want to deal with "Forever"  Talk about stinkin' thinkin'   Forever is forever - my choice is forever fat or forever thin.  My choice is to feel miserable emotionally and physically fat or feel good emotionally and physically thin.  How I think is how I eat.  So....................tweak my off-track thinking sooner and sooner.   I don't get any "brownie" points for suffering.  I don't have to pay for the good feelings of success with the bad feelings of getting off track.  I deserve to feel good about myself. AND THAT'S TRUE FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!