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Food Revolution show

Cathy W.
on 4/12/10 3:20 am
Hi All,

I've been watching the new television show "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution" on ABC. I love it. I posted about it on my OH blog but I really wanted to post about it here too so I could share it with all of you.

If you haven'****ched it, check it out. The premise of the show is that Jamie Oliver, a chef, went into a town (Huntington, West Virginia) and promoted healthy meals for kids in the elementary school. They were eating pizza for breakfast!! He also worked with a family that ate nothing but processed foods, were all very overweight including a 12-year old boy that was over 300 pounds and a future diabetic.

I'm going to re-post here what I did on my OH Blog:

I have been watching Jaime Oliver's new show "Food Revolution." It is fantastic. If you need a shot of motivation, watch it. In one episode, he shows what they make chicken nuggets out of. Disclaimer - if you want to continue eating processed chicken nuggets, do no****ch this show. After watching it, I won't be eating chicken nuggets probably ever (not that I did but now I definitely won't)!!

I am glad that this show is airing. It promotes healthy eating for our kids. He goes to an elementary school in West Virginia and introduces healthy, fresh foods for school meals. Jaime went around a classroom holding up fresh vegetables and the kids couldn't identify them! It is an excellent show.

One of my sons eats healthy but the other one prefers to live on peanut butter & jelly, pizza and scrambled eggs. He won't eat vegetables without a major hassle. I have taped the show but also found it on the Internet so we will be watching it as a family, including my younger son.

Our school district focuses on "healthy lunches" for kids. I look at the menu and it isn't my definition of healthy. Plus, the cooking and preparation are lousy. I've went to school to eat lunch with my sons and the vegetables were mush, plastic-looking/tasting with strange aftertastes and many of the items weren't very tasty. I applaud this show because if our kids grow up with healthy eating habits, hopefully they won't struggle growing up with the medical, physical and emotional damage of being obese or morbidly obese.

I have to admit that as I watch the show it gives me additional motivation to stay on track and continue my own healthy lifestyle habits.

I didn't post the link on my OH blog but here it is below. This is for the second episode so if you want to watch it from the beginning, all four episodes are there.


Let me know what you think!



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on 4/13/10 2:17 am - girardville, PA
 I have always been a fan of Jamie's i love his books an foodnet work shows.. i believe this is his best project yet... an kudos to him for telling it like it is an finally educating the ppl who have a big influence in our next generations lives...  i LOVE the show!! an it is very motivational.... thank you for posting the link.. i watched the episodes all over again... an school lunches are disgusting....  i skipped lunch every day after elm school... had a soda an cookies instead.... which wasnt more calories then the crap they were serving anyhow.. an i would know i counted calories since i was 9.. so something yummi an bad for me or something yucky an bad for me... was my philosopy  at the time.... now i know better things that are good for u can taste yummi too.. thanks to the nutrition education i recieved before my RNY... an alot of ppl on  OH i have been totally enlightend when it comes to food... do i still make not so good choices yes... but im in therapy an working on the reason why i still feel the need to put trash in my body... ok i was slippin off topic... THIS SHOW ROCKS!!! 

on 4/16/10 11:44 am - Glen Allen, VA
I LOVE this show too.  I cried while satching episode 4.  Do you know if there are going to be any more shows or did they just tape 4?  I want more!!!  I have signed the petition and have made some changes inthe way I feed my children because of this show and because of my support group.  Kudos to Jamie Oliver and thank you too!  He has left his family behind for such a worthy mission and I hope he gets all the support he needs and deserves!