Lose Weight Find Life

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A new beginning anytime

Cathy W.
on 5/2/10 1:19 am
Do you remember the days of dieting.....it was always that we had to begin on "Monday" or "the first of the month" or some other arbitrary magic day of the week, number of the month or first of the year.  Now that we've given ourselves a new beginning by having WLS, EACH and EVERYDAY is a NEW DAY and a NEW BEGINNING and a NEW WAY to COMMIT.  In fact, we don't have to wait for any other time than right here and right now to commit.

Okay, so you made an unhealthy food choice.  So what, big deal!  With your next food choice, get right back on track by making a healthy choice.  Once you've done that, you are back on track and creating a wave of momentum in making healthy choices one after another.  We can't change what we ate before but we CAN change what we eat from there.  You are not what you ate in the past but you are what you eat today, right now and in the future.  One slip up doesn't define our WLS success.  Our choices that we make right now and in the future are under our control.  Don't focus on what you did (int he past), focus on what you are doing now and commit to those future choices and, to quote Nike, "Just Do It!" 

WLS is a way of life and not just a short term solution to losing weight.  No more diets!  YEA!  Ask yourself where do you want to be in 5 years or 10 years?  The choices you make right now will make that goal a reality you will walk in those 5 or 10 years. 

So......let's JUST DO IT together!    



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