Nashville Nutrition and Emotional Wellness

Recent Posts

on 2/16/14 1:50 am - Nashville, TN
Topic: Planning bypass 5 years post lapband

Hi Trina and all;

I had gastric banding 5 years ago at Vanderbilt, and after a lot of problems and regaining all my weight plus some, I am looking to have gastric bypass. I wonder if there is anyone in this group with a similar experience, or Trina if you have any supportive advice or experience with persons like myself. I am hoping to hear from others about their experiences to support me on this new journey.

Thank you;

Jennifer B

on 5/23/11 10:26 am
Topic: RE: When Obesity Is A Crime
Thanks for posting about the article.  I found the article extremely interesting.  I do believe there are some cir****tances where the parents are responsible for their kids weight issue.  Now I am not saying that all parents are responsible for their child having weight issues.  However, the home life plays an important role into the future and health of kids.  I do not think that DCS would be called in after the first initial visit because the doctors want to help the family not just the kids.  The ultimate goal is to help the kids learn to make wise choices now and the rest of their life.

I am a parent of an obesity child.  I help my child make wise choices and encourage her to stay active on a daily basis. It is very important for parents to help encourage our kids in the right direction.  The article is completely true as to the conversation that takes place with the kids.  My daughter was completely embarrassed about her weight issue and did not want to discuss it.  The doctors helped her set goals.  The only things that I did not like is that the goals were to ultimately to loose weight.  Now the approach her doctor is taking is to maintain her weight while she grows upward.  This approach is working great because we have to make important decisions everyday so that her weight can be maintained.

Finally, I think that there needs to be more attention paid to what our kids are eating and doing so they do not end up with adult obesity problems.  However, there will still be an adult obesity problem because there are certain health conditions that cause weight issues in adults.

Thanks for posting again.  Love Ya.
Truly Trina
on 5/23/11 2:43 am - Nashville, TN
Topic: When Obesity Is A Crime

Did anyone read the current issue of "The City Paper" issue date of 5/23/11?

The featured article of the magazine is "When Obesity is a Crime". A look at why doctors are getting the Department of Children's Services involved in cases of childhood obesity.

Should parents now be afraid to take their children to the doctor?

I have my own critical thinking evaluation of this article, however I would love to hear an input from you. This story may be a real eye-opener for some that haven't thought along these measures.

I would love to hear your thoughts....



   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



on 3/11/11 11:21 pm - Crawfordsville, AR
Topic: RE: You are going to need these 3 C's
WOw I am REALLY inspired by your pictures---AWESOME! I am inpressed too that you met your goal weight as it seems so many people lose weight after surgery but do not get to their goal---actually what do I know maybe people do actually meet their goal!!!
on 3/11/11 11:17 pm - Crawfordsville, AR
Topic: New to group and set for surgery
Hello I am new to the group and set for surgery March 22nd. I am excited and scared and just started my "lite" diet! I am looking for new friends and helpers along the way. I live in Memphis but will be having surgery in Nashville. All support will be appreciated!!!    Helen
on 1/19/11 9:49 am - Murfreesboro, TN
Topic: support group for younger folks
 i am 29 and just a week post op with my lovely surgeon dr. clements! i was wondering if anyone knew of support groups that catered to younger crowd. i am interested in attending one if they are available, but have also thought of starting one myself in the murfreesboro area with the help of my therapist. 

it is not that i don't love the great support of my older friends along this journey, but i know i am in need of different things at 29 than at 50. 

   Weight Loss Center is your best free resource for weight loss
Truly Trina
on 6/20/10 11:19 pm - Nashville, TN
Topic: You are going to need these 3 C's
Working your Weight Loss Surgery tool requires 3 C's...

Consciousness, Courage and Commitment...

These are mechanisms that make you responsible to yourself.

Some of you might be saying, "Trina, what do you mean by mechanisms?"  Well, a mechanism is a technique for getting a result...

Consciousness - aware, mentally awake or alert, intentional,   
                       attentiveness, heed, carefulness

Courage - ability to conquer fear or despair, a quality of mind or
               temperament that enables you to stand fast in the face of
               opposition, hardship, or danger

Commitment - something one is bound to do, obligation, charge, duty

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



Truly Trina
on 6/18/10 10:04 am - Nashville, TN
Topic: Is anyone using the Obesity H. Health Tracker?

We received some new literature and nice updated brochures from Obesity Help to pass along to those attending support groups and I noticed how well the Health Tracker tool looked in the material.

If you are using the Health Tracker tool can you share your thoughts about the tool?

If you start using the tool, I would love to hear what you think about it.

The information states that the Health Tracker will allow you to track:
Water Consumption
Various Body Metrics

It also states once you have logged your information, you can generate reports...  That would be handy to print out and take to your Nutrition and Surgeon visits?

What do you think?

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



Truly Trina
on 2/2/10 9:17 am - Nashville, TN
Topic: Vanderbilt WLS Support Group Meeting--Wednesday--

Wednesday Support Group 

Trina Davis, Patient Representative
Vanderbilt Health One Hundred Oaks, Suite 22164
1:30 pm

719 Thompson Lane
Nashville, TN 37204
(615) 343-8988

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



Truly Trina
on 12/13/09 9:00 am - Nashville, TN
Topic: Happy WLS Holidays and a shout to my "Vanderbilt Valuables"

I hope this finds everyone doing well. 


The year has been full of ups and downs for many on the Tennessee forum.  My prayer is that we were all able to hold on tight and to keep  a healthy attitude of what is truly important in life,...... family and friends... 


Speaking from my own personal adversities (some self imposed, some not), If it were not for the love and support of my family and dear friends I would in no way be able to communicate these holiday greetings to you now..... 


I have missed you guys... 


A special shout out to my Vandy buddies...  I look forward to seeing you soon. 


There is a new support group available at the Vanderbilt Weight Loss Surgery Center beginning January 6th.  The support group will meet each Wednesday at 1:30 pm in the education room.  You can visit the website at once there click on Support Group Meetings for additional information.  There are also other group meetings and times available, that include

Kenny and Missy Coffman's group. 


Support groups are an invaluable tool and resource for any part of your WLS journey.  I am over 3 years out of weight loss surgery.  I lost 165 pounds and I could never find the appropriate words to tell you how I feel today both physically and emotionally.  I was a size 28 the day I had my surgery at Vanderbilt.  When I reached my goal weight I wore a size 4 and still wear a size 4 today.  In addition I no longer take high blood pressure medication, am no longer being treated for diabetic symptoms, no longer see the specialist for knee, joint, and back pain.  Not only do I no longer see the knee specialist, I jog 3 miles a day 3 times a week. 


I said all that to say, I would love to help encourage you too.  If I can do it I know you can do it..... 


You guys are great!!!!      Truly, Trina

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115


