"On the lighter side"

Groups » "On the lighter side... » Discussion » Fabulous Fall Chall...

Fabulous Fall Challenge

on 9/14/09 11:02 am
Hello everyone! How was everyone's weekend? I hope everyone had a good week.

I had a pretty good week, however I didn't reach my goal of 300 minutes this past week, but did manage to get in 240 minutes. My goal for this week is 300 minutes again. I got a little bit of time in today, now I just have to make sure to exercise a little each day, more on other days!

I don't know if I lost any weight, I'm afraid to weigh myself. Lat week I weighed 300 pounds and I'm afraid if I didn't lose at least 1 pound to put me under 300 I will get discouraged, so I am going to wait a few more days before I weigh myself.

Send me you minutes from last week and let me know what your goal is for this week. I hope everyone had a good week and a great week this week!


Kristy K.
Obesity Help Support Group Leader
"On the lighter side"  Everyone and anyone welcome!

Therese W.
on 9/16/09 4:48 am - Cottage Grove, MN
Hi Kristy!

My goal for this week is 90 minutes.  I'm just starting out and this week is CRAZY!!

240 minutes is wonderful!  What are you doing?

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this - AND SO CAN YOU!!


on 9/16/09 10:47 am
I usually ride a stationary bike for 30 minutes, walk for 20-30 minutes and use the weight machines. I love doing water aerobics, but couldn't afford to renew my Y membership, so hopefully soon I'll be able to though. What about you? What do you usually do?

Kristy K.
Obesity Help Support Group Leader
"On the lighter side"  Everyone and anyone welcome!
