Obesity Help Exercise Challenge

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Just joined all of you!

Marianne C.
on 2/28/08 5:38 am - Hudson, FL

Hey all! Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I'm an OH leader in Florida just north of Tampa. Had my surgery 6 months ago and am getting close to goal already! WHOO HOOO!   Through all my research I read that even though we lose the weight we still have a food addiction and often we transfer addictions after surgery so many of us end up gambling, shopping, drinking or some other form of addiction.  So I decided... ok since it looks like I'm going to have to be addicted to something, and it can't be food anymore... I guess I'll CHOOSE which addiction I have. So I picked EXERSISE!  And so far it's working and I LOVE it!  I get my butt out of bed every morning, drink a protein drink and take my vitamins and hit the road for a 5 mile walk. Also living in Florida and having a neighborhood association pool which is heated, am able to do water exercise most every day. I also started roller skating!  I keep thinking of joining a gym too but for now this seems to be taking up quite a bit of time and I feel great.  So glad to be a part of this group and can't wait to join in! Thanks to Joanna for hosting! -Marianne C.

            Most dreams are lost by giving up what we want most for what we want at the moment.
