Loving my WLS

Sep 11, 2011

Besides having the painful neck pains and headaches here and there from the drain a while ago, I am enjoying this moment. I have not had any pains thus far and no vomitting. I have stated before that I am not a scale watcher because I can see changes when putting on my clothes because they are very loose. They are not tight to start with but you can tell they are way big. I had to take down some more clothes out of the closet and pack it up. I guess I'll have another bag of clothes to give away by the end of October.

Changes with drinks have been water and protein drinks. I have been drinking cold water from the start post op and now I just don't know when I may have cramp from cold water. I cannot drink room temp water..never could,It has to be cold. I wait for the water to sit for a while and then I'm alright. As far as protein drinks, can't stand it now. I get my protein from protein hot chocolate,small scoops of banana protein in my greek yogurt,egg salad,grilled chicken strips,thin sliced turkey and beans.

Dr. Lee's NP told me that even though I am on puree and soft foods, the few leaves of salad spinach and dressing I had on the holiday was fine. She asked me how I felt after I ate it and I told her I was fine. I was craving salad and had very little to satisfy me. It was alot opf food there and the only thing I wanted was salad. I danced to get in some exercise for the day and drank plenty of water.

I have been tired here and there but I make sure to excercise to firm my legs, this is my focus because I don't want jiggly thighs If I can help it. I have a "wls clearance collection" in my closet. I purchased about 20-25 pieces before I even knew I was approved. I can wear about 6 pieces of the clothing comfortably. Ranging from size med to lg and 12 and 14's. I had some to tell me that you look nice when you dress but you really look good. I've been noticing that your getting smaller. I said thank you and I appreciate your compliment. 

I have a second post op appointment with Dr. Lee this friday. I'm hoping to advance to solids because I'm going to have a salad. There's a whole foods store that just opened not to long ago and it's directly on the next block. I can pick up some groceries and go home. 

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