Milestone Reached

Mar 08, 2011

     So I finally made it to onederland!  I guess I made it there a couple of weeks ago technically, but I have weighed with clothes on since the very beginng (when I was required to get an "official physician verified weight" for my insurance) so I continue to do the same.  Yesterday, I weighed in at 197.8, down 2.4 lbs. for the week.  I am pleasently surprised that at 7 months post-op I am still able to loose 2 pounds a week.  My next milestone/goal will be my surgeon's goal of 180.  I don't feel that is good enough for having my innards rearranged so after that will be my own goal.
     I am down 114 pounds total since beginning this journey and 90 from the day I began my pre-op diet on June, 30, 2010.  These are the changes I have noticed since my weight loss:

1.  I no longer have high blood pressure.
2.  I no longer have pain in my feet or achilles tendonitis or knee pain in my left knee that I had trashed a few years ago.  My worry about not being able to take NSAIDS any more was for naught since I have no need for them any more.
3.  I can walk at a rapid pace without pain.  6 months ago I could barely walk from the front door of the building to my office which is right down the hall.
4.  I can do an hour of deep water aerobics then hike and bike on the same day.  And have the energy to do it too.  This means that I have reached my goal to keep up physically with my husband!  woo whooo!!!!
5.  Although my scuba gear is getting big on me, I have reached another goal of being able to don my own gear without much effort.
6.  I can buy my clothes in the misses section now rather than in the plu size section of the stores.  There are more sale options.
7.  I have reached my goal to be able to dress more professionally.  I wear skirts more often not only because I like them but because they don't bag in my butt when they get to big for me!
8.  I can wear a belt comfortably now.
9.  I can wear heels more comfortably.
10.  I don't dread getting on the bus and having to share a seat with someone.  I fit in the seats more comfortably.
11.  I can cross my legs!!  LOL
12.  I have to pull the car seat forward to reach the pedal rather than putting it all the way back.
13.  I can take the stairs at work more easily and I can walk up the Seattle hills without much effort.
14.  I can cuddle closer to my husband.
15.  I look better in my clothes (even with the batwings and loose skin).
16.  While I have always been a confident person, I have an even greater self confidence now.

I'm sure that I am missing a lot of stuff, but my life has really been changing as my weight loss progresses.  My labs look great and I have no issues with any foods.  That said, it will be so much more important for me to stay on track and continue with the changes I've made for long term success.  The key for me has been that I come here to OH daily.  So many people have some great advice.  Also, tracking my food daily has been very important.  I am very consious of everything I put in my mouth and track every bit of it.  I still don't feel hunger and my only indication of fullness is that I hiccup or beltch so I still weigh and measure everything.
Also key, is that I have learned to dine out and portion what I eat when I can't weight and measure.  
     I am looking forward to continuing on this journey and reaching my goals.  I love my RNY and thank God dialy for this opportunity.


