Let the games begin!

Oct 19, 2011

Well, I had my first appt and wow, is that a lot of information to take in at one time?! It went well; I really like Dr. Fontana and his people were all super nice and helpful. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by all the appointments that need to be made and all the hoops that I need to jump through, but "one step at a time" will get it all done, I'm sure.

There is a problem with my iron levels that will have to get taken care of before surgery can truly be considered. I knew that I was anemic, just not how bad. My PCP just told me to take iron but never took any further steps. Apparently, it's bad enough that even if I weren't considering bariatric surgery it needs to be addressed. We're going to increase my iron supplements and I'm to talk to my gyn about birth control options that will suppress menstruation since that is the likely culprit. Gotta keep my fingers crossed that that is the issue and that it is not an absorption problem since Dr. Fontana indicated that he would likely not proceed with surgery if the issue is absorption. I'm not going to worry about it until I have to. We're going to hold off on the lab portion of my workup to give me time to bring my iron levels up. Here's hoping it works!

Even with all the hoops and the anemia concern, I feel that I'm heading in the right direction. I'm ready to be the person I know I am under all this excess weight.

