The required pre-op "support" group

Nov 10, 2011

Ca-click! (That's a check mark sound, FYI.) Another check in the box on the surgical weight loss journey. My surgeon requires a pre-op support group visit so that's where I spent 2 hours of my evening. See the quotes up there around the word support? Yeah, not much support at this group meeting. Instead it was an informational meeting with a couple of testimonials from a RNY and VSG patient. But, even though it wasn't what I had expected, it was still a good meeting. The dietician gave out a lot of good information about the different dieting stages we will be in pre- and post surgery. We spent a good amount of time going over the different liquid and powder protein options out there, and a very good amount of time discussing vitamin and mineral supplementation. It's certainly a lot of information to digest, that's for sure. Of course, there's still the required pre-op wellness class that will have a lot of the same information. I'm glad that they do all of this education, even if it sounds like I'm complaining! I feel strongly that the only way to be successful with this journey is to be informed. In fact, that's probably true of most of the journeys we take in life. (Amy's deep thought of the night. No need to thank me.)

My pre-op diet is going really well. I've lost 11 lbs. so far in the past two weeks and it feels good. I mean, I'm hungry, but I know that I have a goal (surgery) and this is what needs to be done to get there. I'm somewhat worried about Thanksgiving ruining my good run, but I've got a plan and part of the plan is to not beat myself up if I happen to deviate from it. I see the dietician the Monday after Thanksgiving and I'm really excited for her to see my progress. I'm hoping that will help motivate me through the holiday. Accountablity has always worked well for me--but I won't be able to skip the dietician like you can Weight Watchers meetings so cheating is less of an option. We'll see what happens.

Next up, another visit with the psych, even though I thought I was done with that. I was somewhat worried when she called wanting another appointment, but I know she's on my side, trying to help me get to where I need to be. I think that the interview portion of our visit didn't prepare her for my test results. I'm the picture of so-called "smiling depression" and I don't think she realized how much food consumes my thoughts. Hello! I didn't get morbidly obese by thinking about cute little bunnies!!

Until next time, stay positive and keep your eye on the prize!

