3 dietician visits down and 1 to go!!

Dec 31, 2011

I'm so excited to be this close to the end of my presurgical hoop jumping! My dietician visit on Thursday went very well. Last visit she was concerned that I had lost so much weight in the first month. Well, this time I was only down about 4 lbs. so she was less concerned. And she explained her concern better this time than she did before. She was concerned that I would get below 40 BMI and then be at risk for not qualifying for surgery. I understand that concern, but I'm really not in danger of losing that much weight before submitting for insurance approval. Oh the joys of being super short and super fat!

Overall I'm doing well with the diet as I do continue to lose weight, albeit slowly now. I'm still having a difficult time giving up my Diet Dr. Pepper (aka the elixir of life). I know that I need to in order to be successful after surgery, and I need to in order to not suffer the consequences of going cold turkey when I just can't drink it any more. I see that there are people on here and IRL that are able to handle carbonation after RNY, but I don't really want to risk it. It isn't as if it's something that I need, and I do feel that it's almost a gateway drug for me into my over eating patterns. Hopefully I can muster up some willpower and stick to my soda taper over the next several weeks. Addiction is a powerful thing, and trying to overcome my eating issues and caffeine addiction all at the same time has the potential to be overwhelming. I know I can do this; I'm determined to make surgery a success, but it's just so hard!

I suppose since it's December 31 that I should give a nod to the tradition of resolutions. I'm not making any that are weight related this year. I know that if I get approved for surgery that I will do fine, although I have no illusions that it will be easy. So, instead, I resolve to be as strong as I can, and to continue to improve myself in mind, body, and spirit.

Happy New Year everyone, I hope that it's a good one for us all!!

