SNOW!!! 10/29/11

Oct 29, 2011

 OMG!  Right now I am sitting inside, looking out my window at 4 inches of snow on the ground!  I pray to God the roads clear up by tomorrow because it is my sons 5th birthday party.  My mom is stuck up county and she is supposed to be paying for the party.  I don't have the money right now to pay for it.  I don't know why she went to the mountains if she knew it was going to snow....Dumb move on her part.   
On another note I now have weakness in my left hand/wrist, following my blood gas test on thursday.  If it lasts much longer I am going to call the dr.  Did anyone else have this problem??  I am impatiently waiting for my appointments on thursday.  Time seems to be going so slow.  My saving grace is that I have Aydens birthday and halloween to keep my mind off of things for a bit.  

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