Surgeon Appt... 11/3/11

Nov 03, 2011

 Well today was the day I met with the nutritionist, psych evel and surgeon eval.  The nutrition was a basic nutrition class.  Nothing special.  It was at 8am and I was trying so hard to stay awake.  Bad I know.  The came the psych eval.  According to the doc, I should be cleared, she just has to get files.  But from the sounds of it all is good from that end.  Then came the biggie...The surgeon, Dr Noonan.  My BMI is 51. something, weight 283.  for my height(5ft2 1/2) she wants me to be 110lbs!!!  That seems anerexic to me.  So 173lbs to lose.  I have to lose 25lbs before surgery day...Whenever that may be.  I have to get a sleep study sone and also see the cardiologist, pulmonologist, and get bilateral u/s of my legs to rule our blood clots in my legs.  Then I have to get a IVC filter put in a week before surgery to prevent a blood clot should I have one, that will stay in 6 wks post op.  I have a slight Vit d deficiancy, but I have been put on a suppliment and will be retested soon.  A week  before the surgery I will go on a all liquid diet to shrink my liver.  Now to wait on the specialists and insurance, the only thing standing in the way of my surgery day.  The dr said her appt dates are as soon as 2-3 wks.  So all I have to wait on is the other stuff...Sigh...Now to diet, cut caffiene and carbination.  Wish me luck.


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Surgery Date
Oct 13, 2011
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