This is it!

Dec 07, 2009

Soooo this is it, I am less then 24 hours from surgery. By this time tomorrow I will be working threw the pain. I'm not afraid, a little nervous maybe but definitely excited. Sooo ready for the new me, or more the old me again. I have waisted the last eight years being terribly over weight and tomorrow I stop it! This is just the start. The surgery is just one small step in all my major ones to come. I can't wait to be posted a blog next month and talking about what weight I've lost. I am so thankful for my family that is right here with me. I have so many people loving and praying me forward. I will make them all so proud. I praise God for giving me such an amazing and understanding husband Ben that will be with me on this journey telling me I can do this. I look forward to changing how my whole family eats. I am really excited to run and play with my two amazing children. I want to teach them while they are still young how important staying healthy is. I am so excited to make a huge difference in everything that goes into my mouth from here on out. Ok world this is my turn! Watch out, here i come!!!!

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About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 21, 2009
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