six week check up

Aug 26, 2011

On Wednesday I had my six week check with Dr. Cullen. He called me his favorite patient, might have something to do with the flowers I sent his office as a thank you LOL. He was THRILLED with my results as am I. This is the first week I can finally say I am starting to feel like "me" again.

He said I am internally still VERY swollen, which I can tell from the way my stomach kinda pushes outward. Said I can get rid of my ugly binder and granny bra. Can go back to my sexy bras and just  wearing shape wear three to four hours a day. Absolutely nothing at night.

Best of all got my green light to run again and can lift weights. Bathe again swim at the lake, pretty much go back to me. So last night I did my first run in five months. (starting in April when I had my breast lift) lets say it didn't go too well. Trying not to get discouraged but I was running six miles three or four times a week prior to plastics. Last night I made it fifteen minutes, one push up, a couple slow and easy sit ups and I swelled up like I was five months pregnant! So hard to have to start back from the beginning. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to run and now have to teach myself how to again. But the plastics are worth it and I will return to my six mile mark.

Can't believe I got my TT and BA, I remember months ago thinking it was never going to happen and now it did! This is the best I have ever felt about myself...EVER. I have confidence to be naked in front of my husband. I have a smile i can't get off my face and I actually look curvy in my clothes. No more over hang! My skinny jeans look smokin and I'm FINALLY happy with my body, swollen and all. Can't wait to post my pics in February at the six month mark.

The incisions are so smooth and thin. Dr. Cullen has changed not only by body but my mind. He has given me more confidence than a Victoria Secret Model! Everyday is like walking the runway now LOL

Here's to the next few months of healing and while we take the kids camping this weekend...for the first time in my LIFE I will rock one smoking black bikini!!!


About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 21, 2009
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