bind the pain

Oct 10, 2011

day 6 ran out of pain killers and didn't want to contend with crushed tylenol so I wrapped my midsection with a towel and tape to create pressure for my abs.  I find that I can function and walk farther than with out it, it also easier to sleep now.  I think most of my pain is due to the hernia operation and not so much the rny. 

today I'm walking two miles -- I was able to walk that far pre-op but the farthest I've walked so far after the surgery is 1.4 miles. 
I'm sure my body will tell me when it's had enough :).

Today I was switched from the all "clear liquid diet and protein shakes" to the "full liquid diet and protein shakes".  My first "meal" after my protein shake was two ounces of cream of wheat.  I tolerated it fairly well with no dumping and I feel tons better ::: more energy.  

Well...thats it for now...I'm down to 269 this morning.  

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