Tues, Oct 26, only 3 more days! lost 14lbs so far on liquids

Oct 25, 2010

Well, I am on 14lbs lost doing the liquids, everyone is saying why have surgery if you can do this on liquids, HELLO! As soon as I start eating again it will ALL COME BACK, it's amazing how everyone thinks see you can diet and do it. NO I OBVIOUSLY CAN'T! I know that they don't want me to do the surgery and see this as an extreme solution, but diets are not a solution, the solution for me is WLS and then to relearn healthy eating and exercise. I will do everything I am supposed to do to make this surgery as safe as possible, I know there are risks, but the risks are worth it to me! I am ready to change my life, be healthy and get my activities up, work-out with my gorgeous husband and travel and not feel HUGE everytime I stand by him! I want to feel good about myself and know that I am doing what I should to get myself strong and wise about what I have been doing to my body! and with this surgery, I WILL! Please pray for me doing this difficult time, but I can do this and I know it's the right decision for ME! Brooksie

