It's been a while, but LIFE IS SOOOO GOOD!

Apr 09, 2011

Hey all,

Life is so good, I am actually here with Dr. Alvarez in MX for my mom and friend to have their surgery, all went great no leaks and now recovering and headed back home on Monday from San Ant, TX. So good to be here again and visit with Dr. A and Jessica, Christina, and everyone is so nice. I am so proud for the people I have sent here, about 7 referrals so far, one is coming next week and another in May! This is still the best thing I have ever done, this is going to save my mother's life, she had hard viseral fat around her organs and blood pressure had been creeping up, I am so happy for her and our family so we can get her healthy and back in shape to live longer! 
If anyone has questions I am here, I feel I have the best doctor ever!

 Viva Mexico!

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