1 week post op

Jun 07, 2011

Well today was successful.

I shaved my legs, well sort of.... I missed alot of places but my daughters said I could not continue wearing dresses unless I shaved my legs.

I took a nap.

I drank nearly 2 liters of water today. And my daughter. the protein nazi, has been meticulous on making sure I have enough protein. She is even marking it on the chart she made.

I was very daring this evening tho. I am so tired of super sweet protein shakes. So tonight I tried something.....
1 tsp greek yougart
1 tsp peterpan natural peanut butter
1 tsp sugar free vanilla pudding powder
4 ounces of lean body chocolate ice cream protein shake
2 ounces of skim milk
blended it up really well in the blender and added about a 1/2 cup of ice and blended some more.
Divided this into 4 ounce glad ware cups with lids and put in freezer. I ate one for my dinner protein.

This helped alot. it gave me the control to where its not so sweet by adding the plain yogart and peanut butter. It was thin enough to drink but thick enough like a milk shake. It was divine.

I will continue tweeking the recipe as time goes to see how it improves.

I am looking forward to tomorrow when I get this damned drain out. I have already warned my daughters that they need to help remind me to take a pain pill on the way to the dr office.

I had an emotional afternoon. I found out information that has been kept from me by my eldest child and my own mother. My mother always lets out bits and pieces of info or nothing at all. My sister in laws think I am pissed at them because one of them told me. I am not shooting the messenger I am pissed because of the lack of respect from my own child and my own mother. I am highly disappointed, hurt, angry and feel deceived.

I cried so freakin hard I started hurting really bad. I took half a pain pill and took a short nap. My husband came home and we talked it over. I am just so sad that everyone feels the need to hide information. I am sure they want to "stay out of things" or "not be involved" but isnt a little information better than NO information.

No wonder I cut my mother out of my life. All I have wanted is her to be part of my life and for the last 8 years of so we have had little to no relationship. But with her withholding information from me I can see why there is nothing for us to talk about. The one I feel the worst for is my youngest who has no relationship with her grandmother. I wish it were different for her.


About Me
lake cormorant, MS
Surgery Date
Mar 23, 2011
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